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2024-07-02 11:39:40 来源:中国教育在线

雅思托福考试对于想要出国留学或移民的人来说,是一个非常重要的考试。因此,了解考试的时间表和出分时间对于准备考试的考生来说非常关键。下面中国教育在线外语频道小编就为大家分享一下“雅思口语Part3:A useful skill that I have learned!”?

雅思口语Part3:A useful skill that I have learned!




1、清楚了解skill的含义:它不是知识 (knowledge), 是需要耗费时间经过学习、训练才可以获得的能力。一般是有实用性的,可以用在生活、工作和学习中。


学生:reading skills, writing skills, listening skills, speaking skills, language skills, presentation skills.

工作/business: computer skills, programming skills, communication skills, organizational skills, problem-solving skills, analytical skills, leadership skills, time management skills.

生活:driving skills, cooking skills.

3、如果一定要说运动,最好查一下具体的skill是什么。比如tennis skill, 具体来说可以是讲你的footwork, your serving, forehand and backhand stroke。


1. Useful skills

‐(Identify) Practical skills that people need in your country.

I can think of 2 practical skills that are very useful in our country. One is driving skills. People now are getting more and more used to getting around in their own vehicles, no matter if its for work, traveling or making deliveries. Having solid driving skills can improve peoples life and keep them save on the road. Another is computer skills. Modern business relies heavily on computerized technology, and most of the jobs for fresh grads require at least intermediate computer skills.

‐(Compare) Types of skills that younger and older people enjoy learning.

I think younger people enjoy learning about skills that can allow them to succeed in the future, such as computer skills, problem-solving skills and analytical skills. In addition, young people also tend to learn about skills for the outdoors, which can allow them to explore nature for fun. Seniors tend to enjoy learning skills that they can use for a hobby, such as fishing skills, knitting skills and photography skills.

‐(Agree/disagree) Learning a skill should be something fun to do.

I think so. Mastering a skill is never easy. It takes determination and practice in order to get the hang of it. The practice can be repetitive, boring, and challenging. Making a skill fun to learn will make the process much easier, and you can feel more confident and interested to keep on improving it.

2. Skills and success

‐(Give reasons) Why teamwork and communication skills are important?

In order for a group or a team to work well together, having strong teamwork and communication skills are crucial. By listening actively to each other, communicating an idea effectively as well as by showing respects to and considerations for others, a team will be more likely to have stronger work relationships, and therefore be able to achieve its objective more efficiently.

‐(Compare) The skills required in the past and those of today.

In the past, people needed to learn a lot of manual skillssuch as writing skills, biking skills or skills to fix a machine by hand. With the development of computerized technology, people nowadays are required to master skills to operate machines, such as the skills to use a smart phone, a computer, or a car.

‐(Assess) The types of skills that are important for the success of a business.

I think problem-solving and decision-making skills are important for the success of a business. Running a business often requires a leader to make a choice between different alternatives, and sometimes within a very short window of time. A leader with good problem-solving and decision-making skills can analyze the situation objectively and process information around him effectively, which allows him/her to make better decisions and solve problems for the organization.

3. Being successful

‐(Outline) The type of skills that successful people must have.

I think different skills will help you become more successful in different aspects of your life. Some examples of skills that can make one successful include negotiation skills and organization skills. People that have strong negotiation skills are good at persuasion, which could mean promotion and new clients at work. Organization skills mean more than getting things done on time. Moreover, they will ensure you prioritize tasks and find effective solutions to any problems you may face.

‐(Evaluate) The contribution of skills learned to a persons successes or failures.

I think skills are essential to a persons success at work and in life. Having skills generally make you more confident, independent and capable, and you can benefit from it by delivering better performance at work as well as being better equipped to deal with the difficulties that come up in life.

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