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2024-07-02 12:01:09 来源:中国教育在线



Victorias Secret accused of stealthy copying of designs维密被指抄袭其他品牌设计

Self-appointed watchdog says items have elements from London brand Edge O Beyond一自发监察机构称,维密产品包含伦敦内衣品牌

Edge OBeyond的元素

1. Imitation might be said to be the highest form of flattery but that will be small comfort to creatives who believe that their designs have been ripped off.


2. In part thanks to the Instagram account Diet Prada, self-appointed watchdog of the fashion industry whose 2 million followers include Naomi Campbell, Paris Hilton and the model Alek Wek, allegations of copying in fashion seem to be increasingly coming to the fore. The latest is a post in which the lingerie brand Victorias Secret is accused of selling designs with distinct signature elements from black-owned lingerie brand Edge O Beyond.

Diet Prada自封为时尚界的 纪律委员,在ins上有200万粉丝,其中包括娜奥米坎贝尔、帕丽斯希尔顿和模特亚历克威克。由于Diet Prada的原因,时尚界的抄袭指控越来越多。在最近的一篇帖子中,Diet Prada称内衣品牌维多利亚的秘密(Victorias Secret)剽窃黑人内衣品牌Edge OBeyond,因为其产品带有Edge OBeyond独特的标志性元素。

3. The pieces are so similar, says Naomi De Haan, founder of the London-based Edge O Beyond. She notes that two orders direct from our website stood out to us as very suspicious. One was from someone with the same name as someone who works in the creative team at Victorias Secret in the US.

伦敦Edge OBeyond的创始人内奥米德哈恩表示:两件内衣非常相似。她指出,我们网站上的两个订单引起了我们的怀疑,其中一个订单是来自美国维密创意团队的成员。

4. The Diet Prada post also highlights that Destiney Bleu, founder and designer of LA-based d.bleu.dazzled, a brand worn by Beyonc in Black is King, has said she also found orders for her lingerie by a customer with the same name as Victorias Secret VP of design and a billing address that matched the companys headquarters.

Diet Prada还指出,洛杉矶内衣品牌d.bleu.dazzled的创始人兼设计师称她还发现一位顾客在他们的网站订购了内衣,而这位顾客和维密的设计副总裁同名,账单地址也和公司总部的地址一致。碧昂丝在《Black Is King》中穿了d.bleu.dazzled的内衣。

5. I think it is terrible that huge corporations like Victorias Secret are stealing from small independent businesses like mine, says De Haan, especially during the era of BLM, preying on an independent black business when they have a huge team of designers to hand; they have acted so unethically and immorally. Victorias Secret had not responded to the Guardians request for comment at the time of writing.

De Haan说,维多利亚的秘密这样的大公司还抄袭我们这样的独立设计公司,这太可怕了。尤其是在#Black Life Matters运动期间,他们有着庞大的设计团队,却还在掠夺一家独立的黑人企业,他们的行为是不道德的。维密还没有就此作出回应。

6. The accusations come as another big name in the fashion industry, the Louis Vuitton menswear designer Virgil Abloh, has been accused on Instagram by the Belgian designer Walter Van Beirendonck of cribbing his designs.


7. In a statement provided by his personal publicist, Abloh called the claims completely false and a hate-filled attempt to discredit my work, saying the inspiration came from designs from previous Louis Vuitton collections. Ablohs mentor, Kanye West, came to his defence in a way that the New York Times has pointed out as suggesting that the Belgian designer is using plagiarism claims as a way of gatekeeping the fashion industry. When Abloh took up his position at the French heritage house, he became the first designer of colour to hold such a high-profile position in the industry.

他的私人公关在一份声明中称,阿布洛称这些指控是完全没道理的,是充满仇恨的举动,就是想要毁掉我的作品,他声称,这些设计的灵感来自之前路易威登系列的设计。维吉尔阿布洛的导师坎耶维斯特为他辩护,称《纽约时报》曾暗示说这位比利时设计师把剽窃指控当成是守护时尚界的一种方式。 维吉尔阿布洛去路易威登任职的时候,他成为时尚界第一个拥有这么高地位的色彩设计师。

8. Many designers have faced accusations of plagiarism in recent years, including Zara, Forever 21 and Urban Outfitters. This week Diet Prada also called out the fast fashion brand Shein, alleging that it had copied a design by French sustainable mother-and-daughter brand Maison Clo. Shein did not respond to the Guardians request for comment.

近年来,Zara、Forever 21和Urban Outfitters等品牌的很多设计师都面临抄袭指控。Diet Prada本周还指控快时尚品牌Shein抄袭了法国亲子品牌Maison Cleo的设计。Shein没有回应《卫报》的置评请求。

9. According to Julie Zerbo, the founder and editor-in-chief of The Fashion Law, these recent allegations involving Victorias Secret and Virgil Abloh would, in the US, fall under copyright infringement, which can be hard to prove. The intricacies and complexities of protection and showing infringement can be quite significant, she says. Theres a bit of a disconnect between looking at something as a lay person, or on its face, and then considering what the legal aspects areIts frustrating. But unfortunately its the reality of it.

The Fashion Law的创始人兼主编朱莉泽博(Julie Zerbo)表示,最近对维密和维吉尔阿布洛的指控,如果属实,那么被控方就侵犯版权了,但是这很难证明。她说:版权保护和侵权鉴定的难度很大。普通人对这些事件的看法和法律出入很大,这很让人沮丧,但不幸的是,这就是现实。

10. The relatively few cases that result in lawsuits in contrast to the number of times companies have been called out, is, she thinks, testament to how difficult and expensive it is to go up against these big companies. Even if a brand has an open-and-shut winning case, its really difficult to initiate litigation, says Zerbo. Plus, A lot of times these big companies dont just have big budgets for litigation. A lot have in-house lawyers.


11. That said, cases have been brought. While few make it all the way through trial, she points to relatively small bikini brand Kiini which in 2017 settled a case of copyright infringement, trade dress infringement, and unfair competition with Victorias Secret.


12. The nature of the fashion industry can muddy the waters. In the case of Abloh, he makes no secret of riffing on designs that are not his own. In a 2019 interview with The New York Times, he admitted to believing that his talent lies in altering existing items by approximately 3%. Van Beirendonck concurs that copying is part of fashion, but said in an interview with the Belgian magazine Knack Weekend: Not like this. Not on that level, with their budgets, their teams, their possibilities. Thats whats shocking to me.

时尚界本身的特点可能会把事情搞得很复杂。在阿布洛事件中,他毫不掩饰对其他设计的重复。在2019年接受《纽约时报》采访时,他承认自己的天赋在于修改现有设计的3%使其成为新的设计。范贝伦东克也认为模仿是时尚的一部分,但他在接受比利时杂志Knack Weekend采访时表示:所谓的模仿并不是这样的,不是这个层面上的模仿,他们的团队,他们的诉讼预算,他们赢得诉讼的可能性,这些都很让我震惊。


篇章结构P1: 点名主题:模仿和抄袭是有所区别的。P2P5:维密被指抄袭,这对一些小公司来说是很可怕的。P6P8:路易威登设计师维吉尔阿布洛也涉嫌抄袭;很多其他品牌设计师也涉嫌抄袭。P9P10:时尚界抄袭很难鉴定;而被指抄袭的大公司有庞大的团队,起诉他们很难;P11P12:维密被起诉;(再次回应开头)时尚界的模仿和抄袭是有所区别的。

重点单词stealthy /stelɪ/ adj. 秘密的;鬼鬼祟祟的【例句】I managed to get there by a series of stealthy movements.我通过一连串悄无声息的动作设法到达了那里。

rip off 偷窃;扯掉;欺诈;剥削【例句】The whales tails is nearly ripped off.鲸的尾巴几乎被扯了下来。

self-appointed /self ə p ɔ intid/ adj. 自封的;自己任命的【例句】Some critics deride the group as self-appointed food police.一些批评人士嘲讽这个组织为自封的食品警察。

watchdog /w ɒ t ʃ d ɒ g/ n. 看门狗;监察人;忠实的看守人【例句】The committee acts as an independent watchdog over government spending.这个委员会作为独立监察机构监督政府开支。

come to the fore涌现;崭露头角【例句】At the championships more promising divers are expected to come to the fore.在这次比赛中,估计将会涌现更多优秀的跳水运动员。

lingerie /l ɒ n ʒə r ɪ / n. 女用贴身内衣裤【例句】She want to buy some lingerie on her way home.她想在回家的路上买些内衣。

stand out 突出;站出来;坚持到底;坚决反对stand out against 继续抵抗;坚决反对;在反衬下显得醒目stand out for 坚决要求【例句】He stood out in terms of competence from all his fellows.他在能力方面比他所有同事都突出。

suspicious /s ə sp ɪʃə s/ adj. 猜疑的, 疑心的;可疑的;表示怀疑的【短语】suspicious of 对起疑【例句】These words showed that Amelia was suspicious.从这些话可看出阿米莉亚起了疑心。

headquarter/hɛdkwɔrtɚ/ vi. 设总部vt. 将的总部设在;把放在总部里 n. 总部;指挥部;司令部【例句】An artillery shell blew our headquarters apart.炮火炸飞了我们的指挥部The unions headquarters is in Transport House.工会总部在运输大楼内。

unethical /ʌneɪk(ə)l/ adj. 不道德的【例句】And some were simply unethical, motivated by the massive amounts of money involved.还有一些人是不道德的,被大量金钱所驱使。

immorally /imɔrəli/ adv. 不道德地,品行不良地【例句】Having done their good deed, the greens apparently felt theyd proved their moral worth - allowing them to behave immorally and illegally.绿组的同学显然觉得在做出高尚举止之后,其道德价值已经受证实-这允许他们有不道德和不合法的表现。

accusation /kj ʊ ze ɪʃ ( ə )n/ n. 指责;指控;控告;(被告发、控告的)罪名,罪状【短语】false accusation 诬告self accusation 自责accusation function 控诉职能【例句】She maintains that the accusation is groundless.她坚持该指控是毫无根据的。

crib /kr ɪ b/ n. 〈尤美〉(有栏杆的)小儿床;饲料槽;(尤指在学校的)抄袭, 剽窃vt.vi. 抄袭, 剽窃【例句】The teacher noticed some of my answers were cribs from yours.教师发觉了我的几个答案是从你那抄袭的。

plagiarism /pleɪdʒərɪz(ə)m/ n. 剽窃,抄袭;剽窃物,抄袭物【例句】The author bristled at the suggestion of plagiarism.那个作家被抄袭的建议激怒了。

gatekeeping把关;把关人;守门;看门【例句】Second, develop appropriate gatekeeping, disposition, and avoidance policies.第二,建立适当的把控,处理和免除政策。high-profile

lay person非专业人士 ;门外汉(=layman)【例句】It is difficult for a lay person to gain access to medical libraries. 非专业人员很难进入医学图书馆。

infringement / ɪ n ˈ fr ɪ nd ʒ m ə nt/ n. 违反;侵犯,伤害【同根】infringe vt.vi. 违反(规章等);侵犯(某人的权利);侵犯,侵害(某人的自由、权益等)【短语】copyright infringement 版权侵犯patent infringement 专利侵权trademark infringement 商标侵权;侵犯商标专用权notice of infringement 侵权通知【例句】Infringement of this regulation would automatically rule you out of the championship.违背这一规则会被自动取消参加锦标赛的资格。

intricacy / ɪ ntr ɪ k ə s ɪ / n. 错综复杂; (因复杂而产生的)难以理解;(常复数)错综复杂的事物【例句】The devilish intricacies of economics Mr Godley seemed to overwhelm just as effortlessly.戈德利先生对于如魔幻般错综复杂的经济学,应对起来似乎毫不费力。

disconnect /d ɪ sk ə nekt/ vt. 切断,断开;拆开,分离【短语】disconnect from 从分离【例句】My computer crashes every time I disconnect from the Internet.我每次断网,计算机都会突然死机。

call out唤起;出动;大声叫唤【例句】I called out a challenge, but there was no reply.(15KB)我发起了一个挑战,但是没人回应。

litigation /l ɪ t ɪ ge ɪʃ ( ə )n/ n.打官司;诉讼【短语】litigation law 诉讼法学litigation costs 诉讼费用commercial litigation 商业诉讼;商事诉讼【例句】It was not unusual for the bank to involved in litigation over failed companies.银行常常卷入关于公司倒闭的官司中。

muddy the water 指搬出细枝末节来混淆视听,使人搞不清楚问题症结所在,而且往往是故意这样做的。the muddy the water 故意把事情搞复杂【例句】The defense is trying to muddy the water by painting the wife as bad. Whether she was good or bad is not the issue. The question here is did this man kill a fellow human being in cold blood!被告企图通过往妻子脸上抹黑来混淆视听。她究竟是好是坏并非问题所在。这里的关键是,究竟这个人有没有残忍地杀害了另外一个人。

riff on的即兴重复riff /r ɪ f/ n. 反复乐节;即兴重复段【例句】Rowe does a very clever riff on the nature of prejudice.罗发表了一段对偏见的本质十分精辟的讲话。

重点句子In part thanks to the Instagram account Diet Prada, self-appointed watchdog of the fashion industry whose 2 million followers include Naomi Campbell, Paris Hilton and the model Alek Wek, allegations of copying in fashion seem to be increasingly coming to the fore.

这个句子,主干是:allegations of copying in fashion seem to be increasingly coming to the fore.前面的In part thanks to the Instagram account Diet Prada,是一个状语,说明主干事件发生的条件,后面的self-appointed watchdog of the fashion industry whose 2 million followers include Naomi Campbell, Paris Hilton and the model Alek Wek,是一个定于,修饰Diet Prada,说明Diet Prada具体是什么。

The Diet Prada post also highlights that Destiney Bleu, founder and designer of LA-based d.bleu.dazzled, a brand worn by Beyonc in Black is King, has said she also found orders for her lingerie by a customer with the same name as Victorias Secret VP of design and a billing address that matched the companys headquarters.

这个句子,可以分为两个层次来理解,先来划分一下层次:The Diet Prada post also highlights that // Destiney Bleu, founder and designer of LA-based d.bleu.dazzled, a brand worn by Beyonc in Black is King, has said she also found orders for her lingerie by a customer with the same name as Victorias Secret VP of design and a billing address that matched the companys headquarters.

第一层次是The Diet Prada post also highlights that+宾语从句,这是句子的主干。第二层次主干是:Destiney Bleu has said she also found orders for her lingerie by a customer with.这个部分,中间的founder and designer of LA-based d.bleu.dazzled是一个定语,修饰Destiney Bleu,说明Destiney Bleu的身份,再后面的a brand worn by Beyonc in Black is King也是一个定语,修饰的是d.bleu.dazzled,说明这个品牌具体的信息,最后with部分链接的是两个内容:the same name as Victorias Secret VP of design和a billing address that matched the companys headquarters.

The accusations come as another big name in the fashion industry, the Louis Vuitton menswear designer Virgil Abloh, has been accused on Instagram by the Belgian designer Walter Van Beirendonck of cribbing his designs.


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