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2024-07-02 16:38:39 来源:中国教育在线

随着全球化的加速和教育的多样化,越来越多的学生选择留学,而在申请国外大学时,语言考试是绕不开的一环,本文和大家说一说:雅思口语高频话题 团队合作 高频题目分享!,一起往下来看看吧。

雅思口语高频话题 团队合作 高频题目分享!


01. Why do some people dislike working on a team?

From my perspective, one common reason is that those people are kind ofintrovert, a little indifferent and not good at communicating with others. They dont have enough skills to deal with interpersonal relationships and thus they are not willing to contact other people. In fact, theres another reason that sometimes people ignore. They might be geniuses so that they dont want to cooperate with people with incapableness. They dont want their team members to hinder them. A case in point is that good students usually dont like discussing questions with students who often get low scores in exams. The reason is that they believe the communication with those weak students is definitely a waste of time and doesnt make any sense.

02. Why do some people always say teamwork is important?

The reason is quite simple. Nowadays, almost in every field, what a team can achieve is far more than what an individual can achieve. To accomplish a project, hundreds of people with various backgrounds are required. Its no longer the era of fighting alone. For instance, if a company wants to produce and sell cars, it needs quite a lot of people working together. There must be some designers, engineers, workers in production lines and salesmen and so on. Its impossible for anyone to know all things about the whole process and, any one of them cant work individually so they should cooperate with each other well in order to achieve the final goal of the company. Obviously, its not a one-man job.

03. How to teach children the importance of teamwork?

At the beginning, parents and teachers should tell children some stories about how important teamwork is In my culture, there is a considerably famous story to tell children. A single sailor cant sail for a long distance but a group of sailors canvoyage round the world. After being told this story, children will begin to consider the importance of teamwork. In addition, some team sports are fairly necessary for children to understand the significance of cooperating with others. For example while playing basketball, all children know passing the ball is more important than shooting the ball alone Without the spirit of teamwork, they can never win the game. In this way, children can understand aned learn it better.

04. What makes a qualified team leader?

A team leader is the key figure of a team and surely he/she should first be able to build up team cohesion by setting up a common goal for the team, encouraging and motivating every team member to work hard. Another thing the team leader must be good at is that he/she is supposed to know every team members strengths and weaknesses in order to assign proper tasks to them. More interestingly, a team leader should be both approachable and dignified so that the team members are willing to work with him/her and work under his/her administration.



introvert 内向的

incapableness 无能力,无资格

hinder 阻碍


team cohesion 团队凝聚力

approachable 亲切的,可亲近的

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