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2024-07-03 09:26:41 来源:中国教育在线

雅思口语【不喜欢的音乐场合】话题Why you didn’t like it?,关于这个问题的答案,你想知道吗?下面中国教育在线小编就来为各位小伙伴解答分享一下,想要了解的话,那就话不多说,赶紧往下看。

雅思口语【不喜欢的音乐场合】话题Why you didn’t like it?

Example three这一篇是考官给出的回答,她对于这场music festival的不喜欢就在于音乐类型。她提到重金属音乐给她的感觉就是很吵,那些演唱者像在台上狂吼没有美感可言,同时你的周围又冲刺着大量金属的声音。

Example :

In my excitement, I hadnt bothered to ask my friend what type of music it would be which I realised was a bit of an oversight 疏忽 as it is my least favourite type of music. The first group came on and I hated it, as all I could hear was thevocalist 歌手(指乐队) screaming and a clatter of 碰撞声 instruments.

It was deafening 振聋发聩的. I looked over at my friend and she seemed to be loving it so for her sake I just had to pretend I liked it too. It was the longest three hours of my life.

鉴于music type是多数人的选择,你也可以考虑考虑singer这个角度。也就是说你不喜欢这里的音乐和音乐本身没有关系,更多的是因为歌手。这个歌手可能让你觉得品行不端或者他创作的音乐让你觉得不舒服,最终导致你不喜欢整场音乐。

Example two里有关music show的回答,我就是从歌手的层面出发进行回答的。我提到我不喜欢这个音乐会就是因为主办方邀请了我最讨厌的rapper,这个rapper创作的歌曲充满了让人感到恶心的歌词,所以他的出现让我对整场音乐会失去兴趣。

Example :

Unfortunately my least favourite rapper was playing. I cant stand his music and I dont think he is talented. His lyrics are full of disgusting, demeaning 有损人格的 words. His set lasted 3 hours but I decided to leave.

It was a real shame as the night was great up until the point he came on stage. I think it is important for organizers to choose the most suitable singers for the event.

除此以外,我还会推荐另外一个非常简单的角度来回答此小问volume (音量)。这个角度很现实,同时也和音乐本身没有关系。当歌的音量放的太大时,再好听的音乐都是一种聒噪。

Example one里的回答就是从此角度着手进行回答的。音乐声音太大让我无法思考,同时也无法与人交流。

Example :

Actually, I enjoyed the song but the music was blaring 巨响 so loudly I couldnt hear myself think, never-mind 更不用说 have a conversation with the new students. I tried a few times but it was pointless.

那么以上就是关于雅思口语【不喜欢的音乐场合】话题Why you didn’t like it?的相关内容啦,以上内容作为参考分享给大家,希望能帮助到有需要的同学,如果还有更多想要了解的内容可以关注本平台继续浏览。

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