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2024-07-03 11:02:13 来源:中国教育在线



大家好,今天分享大家雅思口语Part1话题 这是一条有香味的高分指导,别小看Part1,从Part1考官就能对你的分数有个大致判断了。



名词部分 大家都会想到什么呢?

Lamb 羊肉

Beef 牛肉

Pork 猪肉

Grill 烤架

Seasoning 佐料


假如考官问你:What kind of food do you like to eat for barbecue?

I like to eat a lot of things for barbeque like meat, seafood and vegetables.But what I like most is meat such as lamb, beef, pork and chicken. And before putting it on the grill, I prefer to mix the meat with the onion and some seasoning to get a better taste.


Loosen up 放松

Lecture 说教

Binge eat 暴饮暴食

Would you like to have barbecue with your family or your friends?


I definitely prefer eating barbeque with my friends because for me, it is not just about the food, but is a social occasion. I mean when Im with them, I can really loosen up, and there is no one lecturing me about health and binge eating.


tender 嫩的

juicy 多汁的

memorable 难忘的

Did you have barbecue when you were a child?


When I was a child, my family often had barbeque at home. My dad bought lamb and beef from the market that tasted very tender and juicy. It was one of the most memorable things that I did in my childhood.



It turns food preparation and cooking into a social event. 它把食物准备和烹饪变成了一种社交

It makes use of all your of senses. 应用你所有的感官

It gets you outdoors.让你去户外

Do Chinese people like barbecue?


Well, in China a lot of people like have barbeque with their family or friends.

First, I think it turns food preparation and cooking into a social event, especially when people are having home barbeque. Guests can sit round the grill making all kinds of actions while having a casual conversation. I mean nothing beats that.

Second, it makes use of all your senses. You can see, smell and even listen to the meat burning, and then of course, you get to taste it.

Last but not least, you get out of your house. You breathe the fresh air, see the blue sky and get some physical exercise walking around. So, I think these are some of the reasons why we like barbeque so much!


1) Do Chinese people like barbecue?

In fact, most Chinese people really enjoy barbecue. They usually have barbecue and drink beer with good friends or family members in the night market, which is pretty enjoyable and happy.

2) What kind of food do you like to eat for barbecue?

For barbecue, I like beef kebabs and mutton kebabs best. Sometimes I also eat some vegetables. Compared with other cooking methods, barbecue tastes heavier.

3) Would you like to have barbecue with your family or your friends?

Of course, I like to have barbecue with my friends and family. Its a relaxing process to enjoy delicious food. In addition to eating in barbecue shops, we sometimes make our own barbecue during outings.

4) Did you have barbecue when you were a child?

When I was a child, my family had a barbecue when we went on a spring outing. We brought our own grill and ingredients, which was a really interesting and impressive experience.


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