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2024-07-04 09:42:32 来源:中国教育在线




Describe a plan in your life(that is not related to work or study) You should say:

What it is about Why you make it

What you need to do first

And explain how you would feel if it is successful

Id like to talk about a plan I made that is not related to my work or study. I decided to carry band-aids with me to help people in need. I made the decision on my way to work last week. Let me tell you why I made this plan.

Last Monday, I walked to my office. Because I had walked a long way, and my heel had been worn out by my shoes and it was bleeding. So I took off my socks and walked on the heels of my shoes. While I was waiting for the traffic light, a girl patted me on the shoulder and handed me a band-aid. I was very moved at that time, because this was the second time I encountered this kind of situation. The last time I went shopping in Paris, I broke my foot, and a kind-hearted lady handed me a band-aid.

Then I chatted with this kind girl, and I knew that she had encountered similar situations, and someone handed her a band-aid, so she decides to continue this kind behavior. I think its a very kind act.

Because of these two things, I decided to carry band-aids with me in my bag. First of all, I need to prepare some band-aids to put in my carry-on bg, and then I also want to appeal to my friends to do the same thing with me, so that we can have the opportunity to help more people. A small band-aid can help others a lot and reduce pain. Not only to protect my heel, but also to help more people who are in trouble like me, and spread this kind of charity to a larger group of people.


Should parents make plans for children?

I think it is necessary for partents to help children make plans. Because they lack experience of planning for their own time and future. But parents also need to cultivate their childrens habit of making their own plans, and encourage them to make plans, even from the daily to-do list.

When should children start to make plans for themselves?

I think children can start to make plans for themselves at any age, even if its a 20 minute or an hour life plan, game plan and so on. Because we need to cultivate their habit and guide them step by step. So, I dont think there is a fixed starting age or time. If I have to give an age, I think its about three or four years old, when they can understand their parents meaning and have the ability to draw something on paper.

What things should be planned on a daily basis?

I think some things that need long-term persistence to achieve the desired results need to be planned on a daily basis. For example, improve the ability of a certain language, exercise a certain skill or lose weight. These things need us to take the right time every day, practice and consolidate, and constantly review, to achieve the ideal effect.

Are plan always necessary? Can people succeed without plans?

I think plans are necessary. Although some people can succeed without a plan, we are the ordinary majority after all. We need to use the plan to supervise our daily life arrangement, to promote the progress of work. So as not to be distracted by other things.

Do young people in your country always have career government educational plan? What do they need if they want to implement these plans?


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