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2024-07-04 13:33:10 来源:中国教育在线




Million-Dollar Babies百万宝贝

1. For those who can afford it, the six-figure cost to have children via surrogacy is a fair price to realize what once seemed impossible. I am part of a whole generation of gay men who thought they would not have kids, Andy Cohen, 52, the Bravo host and new father, said in a phone interview, acknowledging that he is a privileged guy with access to the money and resources needed to do surrogacy.


2. Andy Cohen is one of many celebrities who have had a baby through the expensive surrogacy process. But some would-be gay male parents see this high price of parenthood as a penalty for not being straight. (Sperm donation and intrauterine insemination, commonly used by lesbian couples, are comparatively inexpensive procedures.)


3. Part of the reason I hesitated to come out was because I equated being gay with being unable to have a family, said Mario Leigh, the 23-year-old founder of Affordable Families, a fertility-rights coalition in Connecticut. Which is why Im taking action preventively to ensure that this is not the case.

23岁的马里奥利是康涅狄格州生育权利联盟Affordable Families的创始人,他说我不愿出柜的部分原因是,如果我是同性恋我就不能有孩子了。这就是为什么我要采取预防措施,以确保我能够拥有孩子。

4. A recent Marist College graduate who works at Raytheon Technologies, an aerospace defense company in Windsor, Conn., Mr. Leigh is waging a legislative battle to ensure his access to fertility.

利最近刚从圣母学院毕业,在雷神技术公司(Raytheon Technologies)工作,这是一家位于康涅狄格州温莎(Windsor)的航空防务公司。他正在进行一场立法斗争,以确保自己能够养育孩子。

5. Aided by Representative Liz Linehan, the chair of the Connecticut legislatures Committee on Children, his organization is developing a bill that would lead the nation in inclusive language and insurance coverage. We want to secure affordable coverage for anyone who desires a family, Mr. Leigh said.

在康涅狄格州立法机构儿童事务委员会主席利兹莱恩汉(Liz Linehan)的帮助下,Affordable Families正在制定一项法案,该法案在包容性语言和保险覆盖面方面领先全国。利说,我们希望每一个想要建立家庭拥有孩子的人都能享受保险服务。

6. Mr. Leigh began envisioning his own fertility journey while watching reality television. I saw Million Dollar Listing New York star Fredrick Eklund and his husband welcome twin daughters via surrogate in 2017, Mr. Leigh said. Seeing Eklund become a father was incredibly enlightening and felt like the missing piece I needed to begin thinking about how I could also have children.

利在看电视真人秀的时候,有了养育孩子的想法。利说, 2017年,我看到《纽约百万豪宅》的主演弗雷德里克埃克伦德和他的丈夫通过代孕迎来了一对双胞胎女儿,这给了我很大启发,我开始觉得我的人生缺了点什么,我开始想要有孩子了。

7. Mr. Leigh was relieved to know that science was on his side. But he knew how easily he could be priced out of parenthood by the high cost of surrogacy, and that he couldnt possibly be the only person facing those costs with fear.


8. Its a social justice issue, and young people are leading todays social justice movements, said Ms. Linehan of access to fertility care. Its also a fiscal issue, this is also about fiscal injustice. How will young L.G.B.T.s form families if they cannot afford it?


Fertility Equality Overseas海外生育平等9. The fertility-rights movement is further along outside the United States. Two years ago, tens of thousands of Israelis marched in protest after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahus governmentunder pressure from religious political partiesdenied full fertility and surrogacy rights to unmarried men. With same-sex marriage still unrecognized by Israeli courts, this policy disproportionately affected L.G.B.T.Q. people, though many of the protesters were straight.


10. Since the advances in marriage equality, anti-gay efforts have gone in two directions, attacks on transgender rights and, like in Israel, attacks on L.G.B.T. families, said Mark Gevisser, whose new book, The Pink Line: Journeys Across the Worlds Queer Frontiers, will be published later this month.

Mark Gevisser 说,自从婚姻平等取得进展以来,反同性恋运动主要有两个方面,一是对跨性别者权利的攻击,二是像在以色列一样,攻击LGBT家庭。他的新书《粉红线:跨越世界酷儿边界的旅程》将于本月晚些时候出版。

11. Opponents will say, Were not homophobic. We oppose discrimination in the workplace. You deserve the right to dignity, Mr. Gevisser said. But this openness stops at raising children. The protests further animated a nationwide conversation about Mr. Netanyahus administration and its deference to ultra-Orthodox Israelis, who view legislation that condones homosexuality as violating Jewish law.

吉维瑟说,反对者会说,我们不是恐同。我们反对工作场所的歧视。你应该得到尊重, 但这种包容并不包括养育孩子。这些抗议活动进一步激发了一场针对内塔尼亚胡政府及其对以色列极端正统派的尊重的全国性,以色列极端正统派认为同性恋合法化的法案违反了犹太允许同性恋的立法违反了犹太律法。

12. These protests made us question our sense of liberalism and progressivism as a nation, said Mickey Ouzen-Depas, a member of the board of the Israeli Gay Fathers Association. But weve passed the point of no return here in Israel, he said. The country is ready for fertility equality, and now the government needs to play catch up. The Israeli Supreme Court recently called for the law to be amended.


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