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2024-07-04 13:38:42 来源:中国教育在线





照旧,要回答问题,第一步是 ,找出并看懂问题。

虽然有时候参加考试的学生回忆出来的题目会出错,但这道题是没有错误的。有些同学可能会看不懂。他们说,老师说,to what extent 只有1 个观点,怎么 whether 呢?Whether 后怎么能不用问号呢?有这种疑问,可能都是对whether这词的用法不了解所导致。如果有上述疑问,建议还是先查字典,看一下whether的例句和用法。

所以有一种比较经典的错法就是,在agree or disagree里用了 discuss both views的写法,这其实是错的,因为 agree or disagree里,都是自己的看法,不能把锅甩给别人。Agree or disagree 里,主体段的观点,不能直接冲突,针锋相对,自相矛盾,自我打脸,但在 discuss both views 里可以,因为这是别人的观点。


whether or not someone achieves their aim这一件事,is mostly a question of luck 。一个人能否达成目标这件事,主要就是看运气。你多大程度上同意这看法?

另外要答好这道题, 可能要先回答两个问题:什么是成功?如何成功?


朋克枭哥的观点是,大气。成功学祖师爷 Dale Carnegie (戴尔卡耐基) 的看法是,一个人的成功,约有 15%取决于知识和技能,85%取决于沟通。



It is a fact that in order to achieve success, the vast majority of people have to work throughout most of their lifetime. It is a common belief that luck is the most important factor in their success. Overall, I strongly disagree with this idea.

It cannot be denied that some sorts of luck help people to achieve their aims, such as gambling, winning lotteries and so on, but I will hardly claim that it is a reliable or trustworthy way. What is worse, it will be arguably impossible to maintain or replicate their success. It is widely reported that most of the lottery winners ended up with bankruptcy for different reasons, mostly because they could not manage their fortune well, and it is not uncommon to see professional gamblers sleeping on the streets in front of luxurious hotels in Las Vegas. It is a dangerous and unreliable game to achieve success with pure luck, so I will argue that those who want to be luckily successful are mostly erroneous.

Quite on the opposite, according to Bill Gates, one person has to be well-prepared, so that he /she can jump up and catch the opportunity. Without sufficient preparation, it will be almost impossible for one person to succeed. Let us assume Microsoft is releasing ten of thousands of job opportunities this year. If one person did not study well at their university, it is highly likely that he/she may fail to keep the job, let alone achieving any long-term goals. Moreover, one person needs to prepare to face frustration, because no one is in good luck forever. He / She needs to be perseverant. As Kobe Bryant said, to realize ones dream, that person needs to wake up at 4 a.m. in the morning, and he/she needs practice and practice, so that no failure or frustration will become their fear.

Most importantly, it will be a complete sin to ignore the unfairness of the society, while attributing other peoples failure to their bad luck. One person cannot achieve success without social justice or a functioning social environment. Back in the 1950s in the US, black people were not allowed to sit at the front rows when white people were around, and they were not allowed to attend college, which was a norm in the society at that time. It would be nearly impossible for the black people to achieve their aims back in that social context, because their rights to receive education was violently removed by a poorly functioning society. Under such circumstance, their aims would mostly be impossible, such as being a doctor, lawyer or the president of the United States. It was not a question of luck but of fairness and equality.

To conclude, I would concede that birth was a complete question of luck, but it cannot determine most of our achievements. By working hard and by being perseverant to overcome any forthcoming frustration or failure, we can become the master of our fate. Luck cannot decide most of our success.

写得忘乎所以,写了500个字 。如果同学们不想看那么多字, 其实可以去掉第二段,也是不影响理解的,因为我的看法就是 strongly disagree. 在考试时,如果没那么多时间,我可能会适当减少1-2个论点。

愿看完全文的同学都能 succeed.


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