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2024-07-04 13:45:18 来源:中国教育在线

雅思托福考试对于想要出国留学或移民的人来说,是一个非常重要的考试。因此,了解考试的时间表和出分时间对于准备考试的考生来说非常关键。下面中国教育在线外语频道小编就为大家分享一下“雅思A类写作真题:面授课程存在的必要性 7分范文及解析”?

雅思A类写作真题:面授课程存在的必要性 7分范文及解析


Lectures were used in the past as an old way of teaching a large number of students. As new technology is now available for education, some people suggest that there is no justification for lectures. To what extent do you agree or disagree?





这是一道经典的教育类话题,其实讨论的就是网络课程和面授课程之间的关系。这里需要注意的是这道题的题干中出现了no justification这个比较绝对化的表达,所以一般建议大家在这种情况下去反驳题目中的绝对词,相对会比较好写,逻辑容易理清。所以接下来,我们要从一定程度上去承认网课确实有一定的优势,但它也存在着局限性和弊端,即使它已经运用在教学中也并不意味着面授课程没有存在的合理性。


Lectures 讲座,讲课,这个表达指的其实就是面授课程

New technology 新技术,主要指的是通过网络获取知识并学习

no justification 没有理由,表达过于绝对

agree or disagree 同不同意类型,建议大家有一定的倾向性,不要选择折中



The Internet has penetrated in every students educational process. However, to most students, if they are unable to get access to the guidance of a qualified teacher as well as the virtual world, they would be at a disadvantage in terms of studying. Therefore, schools will continue to be an indispensable part of the education in a long term.

For a majority of students, obtaining knowledge from the Internet is not easier than it might seem. If they are unaware of how to distinguish the valid data from all information online, their learning efficiency would be influenced to some degree. As a result, they will find it difficult to accomplish the study objectives, pass examinations, and may even graduate with low scores. Therefore students need guidance from teachers to help them in time and this can be provided much more easily with face-to-face communication.

Furthermore, distance education is an ineffective way to cultivate students interpersonal skills which they can get in a brick and mortar school. Students complete their tasks independently without opportunities to socialize with their peers, a consequence that they are less likely to build up a network of contacts, which may exert an adverse impact on their future career development. By contrast, those who learn from lectures at school can do a wide range of activities on campus such as playing sports and engaging in clubs. These experiences encourage them to build close social relationships.

In some cases, studying online may offer a perfect solution for some students, especially those who cannot afford to attend a good university, or need to study part-time. Under this circumstance, the Internet may be an acceptable alternative as it is much more flexible in comparison with schools lectures. Most high quality educational resources can be acquired easily and freely without geographical barriers as well as time limitation. The real situation, however, is that these sorts of students only occupy a small proportion and online studying is not the mainstream in educational domain.

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