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2024-07-04 13:51:15 来源:中国教育在线



If you are like millions of people around the world, the New Year brings with it new goals. Perhaps you want to save money, lose weight or learn a new skill. You tell yourself, This is the year Im going to ... But then you get busy.



Many goals, like climbing a mountain, require hard work, planning and many small steps to achieve. Your daily life -- as wonderful as it can be -- takes up all of your time. Before you know it, weeks, then months have gone by, and you are no closer to your goal. Time, as they say, waits for no one. Yet your goal remains important. Andachieving a goal, no matter how small, feels good. In addition, when we do not work on our goals, we may end up feeling guilty or not successful.



So, how can we find time to work on these larger life goals? Well, many websites address this issue, and they offer some of the same advice: If you want to achieve something, clearly identify it and write it down.


Identify specific goals 确定具体的目标 

As you identify your goals, be specific. If a goal is too general, it may be hard to pursue let alone achieve it. Lets say your goal is to get in better physical shape. Thats a fine idea -- but psychologists might say as a goal, it is too general. To make the goal more specific, you could sign up for a regular exercise class. So, whether you are dancing, doing yoga or kickboxing, you have a regular commitment every week. You could also say your goal is to lose a certain amount of weight in a certain amount of time.



Write your goals down 写下你的目标

Experts say writing down your goal is a very important step. It gets the goal out of your brain and into the real world. Some psychologists suggest that writing a goal on paper is better than typing it on a device or saying it into your phone. Your brain receives information differently when it comes from handwriting. Writing things down seems to say to the brain, I am important! Remember me! Writing has another benefit: You canpost your goal somewhere as a reminder. As you sit down at your computer or pour your morning coffee, your goal stares you in the face and asks, What are you going to do about me today?

译文:专家们说把目标写下来是非常重要的步骤。这是把目标从脑海里搬到现实世界中。一些心理学家建议,把目标写在纸上要比打在电子文档里或录语音在手机里好。大脑接收手写信息的方式不太一样。写下来意味着告诉大脑我很重要!记得我! 写下来的另一个好处是,你可以把自己的目标贴在某处时刻提醒自己。当你坐在电脑前开始喝早茶时,你的目标就在你对面盯着你问今年你打算干点啥?


Tell a friend 把你的目标告诉朋友

Telling someone your goal is also helpful. If someone else knows about your goals, youare held accountable for any progress or lack of progress. Your friend might ask, So, how many pages of your novel have you written? If you keep saying none, you might feel badly. Now you feel a pressure to do it -- the pressure of your friends opinion of you. And that can be a big pressure! Many people do not want to let others down, especially friends and family.



Break down BIG goals into small ones 把大目标分解成小的

Not all goals are created equal. Some can be quite big. And for those bigger goals, experts suggest breaking them down into smaller ones. So, lets say you want to work for yourself. You love cooking. So, you decide to start your own company that supplies food for special events. Now, that is a very big goal. But it is made up of many smaller goals. So, identify them, write them down and set for yourself time limits.


These suggestions all help to make your goals real. (实现目标的另一种表达方式)Other experts remind us of another detail as we set our goals for the New Year: The goals may change. Or your life situation may change. Or you may change. So, it is a good idea to check in with yourself. Is this goal still what you want? Is your approach still working? If things are not proceeding forward, perhaps you need to change something.


One expert, Ryder Carroll, helps people organize their lifes goals by using a simple notebook. He suggests thinking about your goals not as a final destination, but rather as lighthouses guiding you along. It is the pursuit of your goals -- not the reaching of them -- that makes up the weeks, days and hours of our lives. So make sure to have fun along the way!


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