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2024-07-04 14:52:05 来源:中国教育在线

留学,语言成绩是必要材料之一,并且在申请院校的进程中,语言成绩的高低直接影响着你最终能申请什么到水平的院校,下面外语频道小编为大家具体分享下“雅思口语Part2高分素材 天气导致改变计划”内容。

雅思口语Part2高分素材 天气导致改变计划


Describe a time when the weather stopped you from doing something.You should say:When it wasWhat you planned to doWhat you did in the endAnd explain how you felt about it



这道题是一个事件类的话题,是本季的新话题。今天要讨论的题卡是天气导致改变计划。这个题目的出题角度有些刁钻, 我们可以从不好的天气想起, 然后再琢磨这种天气下不能干什么, 思路就比较开阔了。比如天气太过炎热室外活动受影响,下大雨影响各种户外运动, 下雪影响出行计划, 道路结冰连出门都成了奢望。

题目分解:第一题和第二题when it was,whatyou planned to do, 属于事件类话题事件六要素的基本背景信息, 不需要浓墨重彩, 只需要交代时间,地点, 人物,和当时的计划A即可。

第三题是what you did in the end,即在原计划受影响之后你做了什么?。这个点是这道题的重点,也应该是篇幅较长的部分, 建议说清楚当时什么样的天气状况和当时做的plan B即可。这部分考验学生的summary能力, 不能说得过短, 也不能说得太多没有重点。

第四题是how you felt about it,即个人感受。也就是谈谈你当时的心理活动, 比如高兴, 生气或者失望的情绪, 以及解释为何会有这样的情绪。可以从主观, 客观, 等不同的角度去讨论个人感受。



Describe a time when the weather stopped you from doing something.

You should say:When it was(背景信息)What you planned to do(背景信息)What you did in the end(故事重点)And explain how you felt about it(个人感受)



The experience Im gonna share with you happened, hmm, about two years ago when I was going to hike in the Huangshan Mountain. Well, I had a mid-term school break at that time, and I decided to have a trip to the Huangshan Yellow Mountain with some of my friends. You know, a lot of people mentioned that the view on the Huangshan Mountain was extremely spectacular, and it was definitely one of must-see tourist attractions in China.

大概两年前, 期中考试之后有个小假期, 我和朋友们打算一起去黄山登山远足。因为很多人都说黄山的风景美不胜收, 所以绝对是一个必须打卡的景点之一。


We planned to hike the mountain from midnight, all the way up to its top, so that we could beearly enough to catch the astonishing sunrise from the peak. Also, my companions were thinking of having a picnic under the sun, since the day seemed quite good.

我们的计划是从午夜开始登山,一直往上爬。这样可以早点到达山顶看无与伦比的日出。此外, 我的同伴们还计划在阳光下一起吃个野餐, 因为当时的天气看起来非常好。


Unfortunately, the weather started to play jokes on us. In the afternoon it was still sunny and clear, but it soon changed to storms. You know, the wind suddenly picked up,and angry, dark clouds rolled across the sky.

不幸的是, 天公不作美。下午还晴空万里呢, 突然就狂风大作, 漫天的黑云愤怒地拍打着天空, 暴风雨来了。

Obviously, ourhiking activity had to be cancelled by the terrible weather condition unless we wanted to be trapped in the mountain by the rain and be showered as a drowned rat. So, we could do nothing but to stay in the hotel and watch the heavy rains and strong winds outside, and we had to change the plan and went to the local indoor museum, instead of going hiking.

显然, 我们的登山远足计划得取消了, 否则我们就会被困在山中淋成落汤鸡。于是, 我们啥都做不了, 只能呆在酒店看着窗外的狂风暴雨,并且改了行程, 去了当地的室内博物馆。


Well, I was quite disappointed, coz I had planned for this hiking for a long time and brought everything I might need, like those hiking equipment, water, food, and the like. But all the preparation was in vain. So I strongly hope that in the future Ican go to the Huangshan Mountain again and finally see the sunrise for one time, in a sunny day of course.

我非常失望, 为了这次登山远足我已经准备了很久, 而且基本带上了所有需要的东西, 比如吃的喝的等等。然而因为这个鬼天气,一切都化成了泡影。我特别希望等到风和日丽的时候再去一次黄山。

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