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2024-07-05 10:39:24 来源:中国教育在线



雅思大作文7分范文:谁该为污染买单 高分范文

Given that the waste treatment has been a problem that exhausts many governments, it is argued that the masses and companies should pay for the costs of coping with the waste produced by themselves, rather than leaving it to the government. To me, I cannot see the rationality of the statement and I am not optimistic to its ramification.

Superficially, it might makes sense for the government to make those who produce the rubbish to pay for the bill of cleaning. From the perspective of the advocates of this, one major concern of many authorities is the cost of waste management that accounts for a considerable proportion of the state fund. Were it not for the expenditure, the money could be subsidized for other public sectors such as education and medical insurance. Besides the economic concern, another reward might be the increase of consciousness on environment if people realize how much it would cost them to make up for their own behavior, meaning that they are more likely to establish a self-discipline and tend to reduce their contribution to waste by recycling disposable items like plastic bags and other packages.

Plausible thought the argument seems, however, it does not mean that the government could be immune from the obligation. Those who clamoring for liability transfer are oblivious to the fact that the both the public and businesses are paying taxes; they are entitled for public services provided by the administrationit might sound absurd for an authority to charge taxpayers extra for a basic public service like garbage cleaning. Worse still, another obstacle we cannot afford to ignore is the practicality of implementation. To guarantee the implementation of the practice, those senators and congressmen need to institute laws to enforcing the action. However, I doubt voters would support anyone who stands out for such a proposal, not to mention those business moguls whose influence on policy makers cannot be ignored.

In conclusion, while shifting the cost of waste management from the government to those who produce them might has its advantages, I remain skeptical to the feasibility and the effectiveness if this policy were put into practice.


Masses 大众

Rationality 合理性

Optimistic 乐观

Ramification 结果

Plausible 貌似合理的

Subsidize 补贴

self-discipline 自我约束

immune 免疫

liability 责任

oblivious 未察觉的

practicality 可行性

institute 起草

mogul 巨头

skeptical 怀疑的


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