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2024-07-05 11:42:29 来源:中国教育在线

留学,语言成绩是必要材料之一,并且在申请院校的进程中,语言成绩的高低直接影响着你最终能申请什么到水平的院校,下面外语频道小编为大家具体分享下“雅思口语高分话题素材:农活 Farming”内容。

雅思口语高分话题素材:农活 Farming

农活 Farming

1) Have you visited a farm?

2) What can you do on a farm?

3) Do you think farming is important?

4) Are there any farms in your hometown?

5) What kind of farm is important?

6) Did you do farm work when you were young?

1)I havent gone to a farm yet since I dont really have a friend who runs a farm, or I havent go to any field trips that the teacher will take us to a farm. Also, my parents are not passionate about planting or feeding or horsing or any anything like that. So, unfortunately, the farm is always a mystery for me.

2) Since I havent been to a farm yet, so I imagine people can watering the plants, planting trees, feeding animals, squeezing the milk, maybe. And thats all I can think about what to do on a farm. Sorry, I have zero experience in farming.

3) I do think farming is important, although I do not farm at all. Since I think it is the beginning of human society when people do not know how to hunt, people can only plant something, which in my understanding, it can be counted as farming. Lets say maybe the science fictions are going to happen, so the electricity are going to vanish, the farming skill is mandatory to survive. And also, in todays society, the farm is also where the basic living resources come from.

4) There are some farms in my hometown, like there are farms in my city but not near my home. Since I am from Shanghai, which is more like a business city, so the farming is more like outside of my city or on the side of my city at least theyre not in the downtown.

5) I think any kind of farm is important, including both vegetables and meat. Since from my understanding, from someone that hasnt been to the farm before, I think both vegetable and meat are mandatory for daily resources. So most people need these food to survive and to be healthy, so I think any kind of farm is important.

6) I havent been to any form before, but my mom did plant something in the backyard of my house. I dont think whether it is called farming or not, but I did seeding and collecting the vegetables and fruits when I was young.

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