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2024-07-05 16:16:24 来源:中国教育在线

雅思托福考试是国际性英语标准化水平测试之一,参加考试和报班学习的学子众多,那么雅思口语高分素材Part 2话题积累:手工?下面是由小编为大家整理的相关信息,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读本文。

雅思口语高分素材Part 2话题积累:手工

雅思口语高分素材Part 2话题积累:手工

Part2 话题

Describe an art or craft activity(e.g. painting, woodwork, etc.) that you had (at school)

You should say:

What you made

How you made it

What it looked like

And how you felt about the activity



What you made ?


How you made it ?


What it looked like ?


And how you felt about the activity ?



Art and crafts play an essential role in our life because they relate us to our traditions and cultures. They provide a way to stay connected with the roots of our traditions. Here, I would like to talk about an art activity, which I did at school. I remember I was in 10th standard when I did this activity.

I participated in an International Art Competition. It was at district level and was held in my school. I participated with my friend Jatin in this competition and we were representing our school. We decided to make a painting which would give a message on a social issue. The main message of our painting was SAY NO TO DRUGS. In this painting, I painted a cigarette crushing a person, which showed that humanity is in danger due to drugs. The size of the cigarette in this painting was very large as compared to the person to highlight the dramatic impacts of drugs on people. On the right side of the painting, my friend drew a large injection, which was killing a person, which showed that excessive use of drugs can lead to death. After that we drew a heading in bold letters on the top of the painting. The heading was SAY NO TO DRUGS which highlighted our main idea. After completing the painting we both were pleased to see it because it was looking very attractive. The painting was eye catching and our message was clear and loud. When the result was declared we were happy as we got second prize in the competition. It was a joyful moment for us, we celebrated our happiness by dancing on stage and everyone was clapping for us. I was feeling very happy as I gave a clear message to everyone to avoid drugs. It was a very good experience for me.

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