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2024-07-05 16:26:33 来源:中国教育在线

留学,语言成绩是必要材料之一,并且在申请院校的进程中,语言成绩的高低直接影响着你最终能申请什么到水平的院校,下面外语频道小编为大家具体分享下“雅思口语Part2 8分素材:社交媒体趣事”内容。

雅思口语Part2 8分素材:社交媒体趣事


Last weekend, I was snowed under with loads of homework at home. No exaggeration to say, I was typing for the whole morning, and I just finished one piece of them. That was quite frustrating, so not soon after, I started to fiddle with my phone.

While I was browsing the internet through Weibo, A funny video clip caught my attention. The title of this video is: how babies react after tasting sour lemon, and the cover page is a crying face of a cute baby. I clicked the button and started to view it. That was probably the funniest one Ive ever watched. In this video, ten babies were filmed while theyre trying this food, and they gave complete different reactions. Some of them cried loudly with a face saying: are you giving me the poison? One of them seemed shocked at first, and then he kept licking the lemon bits by bits. In the end, there was a deep frown on his face; I was almost laughed into tears when seeing these cute babies doing this. I guess they must feel confused about this strange food, and also become angry about their naughty parents. They might be thinking: why do you give me such horrible food? Later I found trying lemons is a good way for babies to stimulate their taste buds and explore the sense of taste.

After watching this video, I got recovered from fatigue and restarted doing my assignments. No wonder why people say social media has the power to help you let off steam.


exaggeration 夸张,夸大

confused 糊涂的,迷惑的

naughty 顽皮的

stimulate 促进,激发

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