2024-07-06 12:42:30 来源:中国教育在线
- 我非常喜爱的一个动物是刺猬,虽然很小,但却是一种哺乳动物。
- 虽然不同品种的刺猬大小不同,不过刺猬相对体积比较小,两只手大小或者稍大一些。刺猬最特别的就是外侧一身的刺。
- One of my favorite animals is the hedgehog, which is small but a mammal.
- Although the hedgehogs of different varieties are different in size, the body of the hedgehogs is relatively small. The most special point of the hedgehog is the thorn on its outside.
- 我是小的时候上生物课在教科书上第一次看到这个生物,教科书上介绍刺猬是内向敏感的动物。
- 后来,我长大以后终于在超市里的动物专区看到了活着的刺猬,那缩着头的样子简直太可爱了。
- When I was a child, I saw this creature for the first time in a textbook from a biology class. The textbook says that the hedgehog is an introverted sensitive animal.
- Later, when I grew up, I finally saw a living hedgehog in the animal area of a supermarket which was so cute while it retracted its head.
- 刺猬是内向敏感的小动物,那一身的刺是为了防止伤害。每当它感受到危险的时候,身上的刺就会竖起来以防自己被天敌攻击。
- 然而,刺猬的有趣之处在于如果它长期与人相处并且培养了信任,便会选择相信这个人。而最明显的体现就是在你接近刺猬,并且把它捧起来的时候,它会温顺的收起自己身上的刺。如果有机会,我真希望自己可以养一只刺猬。
- The hedgehog is a sensitive animal whose thorn is to prevent injury. Whenever it feels dangerous, the thorns on the body will stand up to prevent themselves from being attacked by their predators.
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