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2024-07-06 13:06:28 来源:中国教育在线



In a medical laboratory, it is not uncommon to see that some domestic animals including mice and rabbits are under the scalpels of human beings. Instead of treating them with love and respect, we subject it to inhumane scientific or medical experiments for our own sake and further development. In my opinion, this kind of action is quite cruel to those innocent animals.

Admittedly, many major medical breakthroughs have been depended on animal testing to a significant degree during the last hundred years. It is not exaggerated to say that almost everyone gets benefits from it directly. Organ transplantation is a successful example after the experiments on animals first. In addition, a variety of medical technology has already saved incalculable lives no matter humans or animals themselves. What is more, in certain fields, there is no better substitution to carry out the experiments till now, a consequence that animal testing is still of great significance for more tangible achievement.

Others, however, argue against animal experiments mainly because they consider this way inhumane. In other words, the most basic principle of humanity is the love to nature, not cruelly and exploitatively to other species. There is no doubt that the pains animals have to endure are extreme. Skeptics of animal experimentation may also feel that if we are so unsure about the effects of a drug, then we should do further chemical testing before doing live and sometimes cruel animal testing. Otherwise, frequent experiments could result in suffering or death for the animals.

From my perspective, this behavior is undoubtedly cruel and barbaric to animals. They also have rights to live. Human beings cannot make choices for them. In order to tackle this issue, people need to seek for alternatives to do experiments including computer models. Besides, it is also strongly suggested that endangered and rare animals should not be the objects of experimentation for the purpose of balancing the ecological system. Under this circumstance, the pains they have to suffer are likely to be minimized to a large extent.


domestic animals 养殖动物

scalpels 解剖刀

inhumane 残忍的,不人道的

for our own sake 为了自身的利益

major medical breakthroughs 重大医学突破

organ transplantation 器官移植

saved incalculable lives 拯救了不计其数的生命

exploitatively 剥削地,榨取地

barbaric 野蛮的,残暴的


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