2024-07-07 10:07:01 来源:中国教育在线
雅思托福考试对于想要出国留学或移民的人来说,是一个非常重要的考试。因此,了解考试的时间表和出分时间对于准备考试的考生来说非常关键。下面中国教育在线外语频道小编就为大家分享一下“雅思口语part2《好决定》Why it was the right decision?”?
Example :
Even though it cost me all of my savings, it was worth it and, actually, it changed my life. I used to just lie around on my bed playing with my phone but now I go out on adventures all the time.
I have met some really interesting people and have made some cool videos. I have even learnt how to edit too. Thats why I think I made the right decision.
Example :
After many hours in the hairdressers chair, it was ready. The hairdresser showed me the mirror and I was over the moon. It was far better than I had anticipated. I soon noticed that everywhere I went people looked at my hair and commented on how much they liked it.
It boosted my confidence and gave me the motivation to go out and meet new people. I used to spend most of my weekends at home alone but now I go out all the time and I am experiencing many new things. I definitely think taking the plunge with冒险尝试 a new colour was a good decision.
Example :
It was a good decision It was by far one of the best decisions I have ever made. My decision means that I am no longer involved in such a barbaric 野蛮的 industry.
I am helping the environment as it has devastating 毁灭性的 effects on the planet, and my diet is much healthier. I have a lot more energy and I had to learn how to cook in a different way That was over 5 years ago and I have never looked back.
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