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2024-07-07 11:14:37 来源:中国教育在线

雅思口语高分话题素材:开心 Being happy,关于这个问题的答案,你想知道吗?下面中国教育在线小编就来为各位小伙伴解答分享一下,想要了解的话,那就话不多说,赶紧往下看。

雅思口语高分话题素材:开心 Being happy

开心 Being happy

1) Is there anything that makes you feel happy lately?

2) What do you do to stay happy?

3) Can you stay happy all the time?

4) Is it important to be happy?

1) There is something that made me happy lately, which is I am finally on vacation after a high-pressure semester. I went to a city that I was dreaming about, which is Chongqing, and I had an enjoyable time there.

2) Most of the time, Im neither happy nor sad, so I am more in a natural state. So I think there are two ways to make me happy. one is watching videos so that I can achieve happiness in a very short time, and the other is working hard so that I can have a good mark in school so that I will be happy at that time.

3) No one can stay happy all the time. I mean, there might be some of them who can do that but not me, and also I think that kind of person is sporadic in todays society since I think the pressures everywhere, including the peer pressure, the social pressure and the pressure you are giving to yourself so I really appreciate any happiness that I can feel at anytime even it is just small happiness. I cherish that.

4)Of course happiness is important for anyone. I think happiness is the only reason that people are living in the world. Anyone is living for a reason, and it might be a sense of achievement, but all can be concluded as happiness. Being happy is just like the support that helps me to get over the pressure.

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