2024-07-07 13:25:06 来源:中国教育在线
Compounding inequality
Indias super-rich are getting much richer
Even as the economy shrinks by a tenth
1. SOME PEOPLE have almost all the luck. Over the past year, as Indias economy has shrunk by around a tenth and tens of millions of Indians have lost jobs or sunk into poverty, the fortunes of the countrys two richest people have swollen. Gautam Adani, whose conglomerate sprawls from ports to coal mines to food, has seen his personal wealth more than double, to some $32bn. Mukesh Ambanis riches, which derive from oil refining, telecoms and retail, among other things, have grown by just 25%, albeit to an intimidating $75bn or so.
2. The share of wealth and income going to the top 1% has been rising rapidly in recent years in India, as it has been in many countries. Last year they hoovered up 21.4% of earnings, just ahead of their counterparts in Russia, according to the World Inequality Database. Credit Suisse, a bank, puts their share of Indias wealth at 39%, well ahead of the richest1% of Americans or Chinese. Most alarmingly, in India some of the rich havebecome super-rich by using their heft to crush smaller competitors and thus corner multiple chunks of the economy. The tilt in fortunes has rewarded not so much technical innovation or productivity growth or the opening of new markets as the wielding of political influence and privileged access to capital to capture and protect existing markets.
3. Merely a decade ago, according to data compiled by Marcellus, an investment-advice firm, among listed firms in India the 20 most profitable generated less than a third of profits. They now account for 70%. A study by Krishna Kant, a journalist, reveals that between 2014 and 2018 competition within ten different industries, from aviation to tyres, deteriorated markedly.
根据投资咨询公司Marcellus汇编的数据,仅仅在十年前,在印度上市公司中,利润最高的20家公司所创造的利润还不到三分之一,而如今是70%。记者Krishna Kant的一项研究显示,2014年至2018年间,从航空业到轮胎业等十个不同行业的竞争明显恶化。
4. Across Indian markets, only the shares of giant firms have gained consistently over the past decade, says Rohit Chandra of IITDelhi, a university. International investors have noticed, and now bet increasingly not on promising new firms but on big old ones, which they expect to get even bigger. The government boasts that the five months from April to August saw a record $36bn in foreign investment, suggesting that its wise policies have sustained confidence during the covid-19 epidemic. What it trumpets less loudly is that more than half of that money, including hefty investments from Facebook and Google, poured into Mr Ambanis hands alone.
5. It is easy to understand why. Things have a way of turning out as Mr Ambani wishes. Back in 2016, for instance, the tycoon used his massive earnings from petrochemicals to take a $25bn gamble, plunging into the maturing mobile-phone market. His timing was exquisite. Just as he rolled out a free service to lure customers, the government withdrew 86% of the countrys paper currency, leaving most of India strapped for cash and eager to find savings. Rival companies also found themselves burdened by lawsuits and crushing penalties for back taxes. Regulators ignored complaints. If his firm were Chinese it would have been charged with dumping, says one economist.
6. Mr Adani enjoys a similar Midas touch. In early 2019 his group, which controls around a quarter of Indias port capacity, ventured into a new field when the government tendered six 50-year airport-management contracts. Competing against established firms, Mr Adani nevertheless won all six. He has since bought two more, including a 74% share in Mumbai airport, Indias second-busiest. More recently, Mr Adani has counterbalanced big stakes in coal-fired power with lots of renewable energy, winning a $6bn government contract in June for various solar projects. The share price of Adani Green Energy, a subsidiary, has risen tenfold since March.
阿达尼也有类似点石成金的本领。2019年初,他的集团进入了一个新领域,政府竞标了六份为期50年的机场管理合同。该集团控制着印度约四分之一的港口运力。尽管与老牌公司竞争,阿达尼还是赢得了全部6个项目。此后,他又收购了另外两家机场,其中包括印度第二大机场孟买机场74%的股份。最近,阿达尼用大量可再生能源来平衡燃煤发电的巨大股份,今年6月,他赢得了一份60亿美元的政府合同,负责多个太阳能项目。自3月份以来,子公司Adani Green Energy的股价已经上涨了10倍。
7. Some of Indias tycoons have prospered because they have learned not just to weatherunpredictability, but to game the system. That system, alas, is failing Indias poor. Measures ofmalnutrition and stunting reveal an alarming backward slide over the past year. The unemployment rate shows some recovery from the worst of the covid shock, but that fails to capture the astonishing bleakness of Indias labour market. Before covid hit, barely 40% of adults were in paid work, according to the Centre for Monitoring the Indian Economy, a research firm. Now only 36% are. The rest, including legions of housewives, see no point in even looking for a job.
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