2024-07-08 10:56:07 来源:中国教育在线
雅思口语Part3拓展 IELTS Speaking
在雅思口语Part2中,曾经就有一道题叫得过的一种病Describe an illness you have had.在Part3部分,考官可能会这样问你~
Q:Compared to the past, is it easier for people to get ill now?
A:I think it is, since the general trend for the human society that people are more in the offices nowadays (现在的人们大多数时候在办公室里工作)compared to before when people are in farming or in civil construction mode. In this case, most people are not getting enough exercise every day(没有得到足够的锻炼) since maybe the most exercise they will get is in the gym, and for those who are not going to the gym, it might be only walking to the office and working back home. If they have a car, there are probably very few exercises then. So it must be easier for people to get ill since most people dont have a healthy body nowadays due to the long time lack of exercise treatment, lack of vitamins(缺少运动、缺乏维生素). There are more and more people are getting overweight(超重) nowadays since fast food are taking over most peoples lunch(快餐取代正常午餐) .
Q:Who are more likely to get illness?
A:In my understanding, there are three kinds of people who are more likely to get the illness. The first are those who do not exercise and have a chaotic daily routine(缺乏锻炼、作息混乱). And the second ones are the people who or not eating well(饮食不健康), so theyre not getting enough nutrition from food. And the third one are people who refuse to take the vaccine(拒绝接种预防疾病疫苗), and I think this one is self-explanatory.
Q:What does your government do to encourage people to lead a healthy lifestyle?
A:In order to encourage people to vaccinate, the government has come up with a lot of humorous and interesting slogans(幽默有趣的标语). In addition, it has set up a number of inoculation points that are convenient for the public to get to(便捷的接种点). Through reasonable arrangements and settings, we can vaccinate in time, and achieve the state of mass immunization(群体免疫) as soon as possible, so that everyone can resume their normal life(恢复正常生活) before the epidemic.
Q:Do you think people in your country have taken enough responsibility for their own health?
A:I dont think so. I think most people I know are living a not healthy enough lifestyle(大多数人都有着不健康的生活方式). Most of us stay up late(熬夜), eat fast food(吃快餐), and have little exercise(缺乏锻炼). I think all of these actions are counted as not responsible for our own health(对自身的健康不负责任). But as a student who is in a really high pressure(压力大), I have to choose between being healthy and quick happiness. For me, I always prefer to be happy instead of to be healthy. So when I was under high pressure, I eat the fried chicken. I know they are not healthy at all, but they are how I release my stress(释放压力的方式). It is just like how most countries are: developing their economy first(优先发展经济) and then regulating the environmental to issue.
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