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2024-07-08 13:20:00 来源:中国教育在线




1.What kind of leisure activities do people do in your area?

Well, as I am currently residing here in the metropolis, people enjoy the usual leisure activities that a typical major city offers such as partying, drinking, going to a moviewith friends or with their significant others, and eating out. However, in my hometown, people spend their free time in a more meaningful way like fishing, cycling, gardening, and more importantly camping with the family. To tell you the truth, I really struggled fitting in here during my first few months since I got used to a laid-back life in my hometown, however, after meeting some amazing people in school, I learned adapting the lifestyle of the people in this city gradually.


原文说明:如果你对in your area感到困惑,不妨像这位考生一样,既谈论目前所在地又介绍自己家乡,两个都说有助于让回答更充分。

2.Why do you think people living in the community are friendly with others?

I believe the main reason is that they all share the same interests, values, and even cultures. Aside from that, especially in small villages, they know almost every person who lives in their community, as a result, they cannot miss the chance to exchange hellos and wear a smile with one another. That kind of friendly gesture is distinct solelyin small communities and is generally absent in most city residences. As we know, city dwellers are mostly cold which is understandable since people living in cities have different cultural backgrounds. It is impossible for city dwellers to be as friendly as those people living in small communities.



3. Why is it hard for some people to accept change?

In my opinion and based on my observation, as I have some friends who are having difficulty accepting change, that is due to the fact that change is inconvenient, uncomfortable, and terrifying. There are some people who are so attached to living a life that is in the sphere of their comfort zonethey are happy and comfortable with that kind of everyday life that they are having and stepping outside of it because ofunexpected circumstances makes them feel disoriented. Take for instance, some young adults in this generationthere are many case studies stating that some young adults become too dependent with their parents and are not anxious to live an independent life. That is because they get used to living a comfortable and convenient life with their parents and starting a life without them is petrifying since they will face the realities of living an adult life wherein responsibilities come about such as paying rent, buying ones own necessities, paying utilities and many more. Well, that is just one of the many situations as to why there are some people who get scared of embracing change.



补充:和写作一样,学习口语范文时,注意积累同义替换,提升词汇丰富度表现,如having difficulty accepting change, get scared of embracing change替换了题中的难以接受改变。此外,范文倒数第二句中的一系列词组可以用回答独居生活琐事等相关话题。

4.Does change always have a positive result?

I would love to think that a certain change creates a favorable result all the time, however, it does not always work that way since change can be a double-edge sword. For example, in the case of Brexit, Britain leaving the European Union is oneradical and massive change in the political and economic union of EU member states. For those who support it, it comes as a simple win in terms of sovereignty. This meansBritain will have its full authority on their political and economic affairs, which is seen as a positive result. However, with that change, it results in policy change with regards to trading, immigration, tourism, among others, that is viewed by some asdisadvantageous or inconvenient. So basically a change does not only bring one kind of result, most of the time, it surely creates both positive and negative results. However, I believe we have to be flexible enough in adapting change, as it is the only constant thing in this physical world. Resisting change gives rise to complications.




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