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2024-07-08 13:50:31 来源:中国教育在线

随着留学市场的不断发展,越来越多的学生选择留学。如果你也是想要留学的学生之一,那么你就需要参加语言考试,其中雅思托福就是最为常见的英语考试,下面中国教育在线外语频道小编就为大家介绍一下雅思写作社会类话题 很多老人选择住在退休社区 范文赏析。

雅思写作社会类话题 很多老人选择住在退休社区 范文赏析

Nowadays, some older people choose to live in the retirement communities with other people, rather than living with their adult children. is it a positive or negative development?






在具体利弊的切入点,可以从题目的关键词中寻找线索,比如这道题目中的retirement, adult children 提示了2个信息,一是退休群体的情感需求,二是同成年子女的代沟,好处和坏处都可以从两个角度来考虑。



There is an increasing trend that senior citizens tend to mix with their peers in retirement communities, rather than living under the same roof with their adult children. While the positive side of the phenomenon is lauded by these elderly people, I would argue that its drawbacks deserve more attention.

Indeed, it is easy to understand why more and more old people choose to live away from the next generation. In a fast-paced society where emotional bonds between family members are ever waning, the very problem that plagues the older generation is the loneliness and sense of isolation due to the lack of communication with their loved ones, who are usually entangled with work and therefore cannot afford much time and stamina to accompany their parents. In this sense, apartments for the retired are a place where the old can have opportunities to mix with hundreds of like-minded people, thus relieving their feeling of desolation.

Despite the benefit mentioned above, this phenomenon of retired people living on their own could be considered from an opposite angle. Those exponents of this tendency are oblivious to its underlying disadvantages, among which the very issue that concerns me most is its impact on the already frayed family bond: instead of anchoring their hope on some strangers to light up their twilight years, many old people exacerbate the estrangement with their adult children by moving out, which might even lead to further misunderstanding between family members. Another apprehension we cannot afford to ignore is the financial pressure. To living by themselves in retirement apartments inevitably leads to higher living cost for those relying on pensions: they have to pay extra for rent, food, and other household services, which used to be covered by their adult children when they lived together.

In conclusion, it looks to me that a life in retirement communities might not be as pleased as some old people have expected.


Laud 赞美

Plague 困扰

Entangle 纠缠

Stamina 精力

like-minded 志同道合的

desolation 孤独

oblivious 无视

twilight 黄昏时分

exacerbate 使恶化

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