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2024-07-08 15:18:33 来源:中国教育在线




雅思机经里有一道题目是describe a person moves to a new accommodation,不是让你说你自己搬家,还偏得是你认识的一个人搬家.对于我们身边的孩子们,谁没事儿就搬家哇!转学生倒是有,可以搞一下对不对!即使身边没有搬家的娃,我们总听过孟母三迁吧.这么经典的故事,不用在雅思考试里,简直浪费了不是么!我们稍微改编一下这个烂俗的故事,就是答案了!

My cousin just moved to a new place near her school.

She is about to start her senior year in high school, which means shes under huge pressure cause the college entrance exam is just around the corner. So she needs a proper environment to prepare for her exam. However, the apartment she used to live in cant give her that. I mean, her neighbors are party animals, and they always like to throw parties and play loud music at night, which made it really difficult for her to concentrate on her study. Also, theres a homeless dog wandering around in her old neighborhood, and kept barking at night, you can imagine how noisy it was right? Plus, she had easy access to the Internet in her old house, which was a huge distraction for her. She couldnt resist the temptation of those social networking websites and she always liked to chat with her friends online.

So in order to make her more focused, her mom decided to rent a new place near her school, for one thing, that would be convenient for her to get to school. For another, she could have a quieter environment to study.

Now in her new apartment, therere only two bedrooms, and theres no TV, no WI-Fi, so all she could do is study. Her mom is quite satisfied with the new arrangement, however, Im sure for my little cousin, it must be a torture.



1. 成天打游戏不下床,还特别吵闹.

2. 不注重个人卫生(personal hygiene),不洗澡不洗脚不洗袜子(就是扔在地上都能立起来的那种).

3. 在屋里抽烟,每天烟雾缭绕.

4. 在屋里养宠物(是的,大学宿舍都不让养,但是也没法阻止某些娃不是么),搞的屋里的味道跟动物园一样!比如狗狗还会eat their own poop,他的主人居然还跟他亲亲,所以就会让你很崩溃.



My friend Xiao Ming just moved into a new apartment off campus because he couldnt stand the terrible environment in his dorm.

Heres the story.

He had 5 roommates, so you can imagine how cramped it was. And you know how boys are like in college right? I mean, there was one roommate who never changes his socks, and he also doesnt like to take a shower. And one of his roommates is a heavy smoker, the worst part is, he never smokes outside. So you can imagine the smell in his dorm, uh? It was unbearable. And it is really noisy as well. All of his roommates are big fans of video games, so every night the dorm is just like an Internet bar, you know, full of people who kept yelling and screaming to their microphones, which made it really hard for him to go to sleep.

And the most annoying thing was, a few weeks ago, some of them kept a dog in the dorm, who always made a huge mess and kept barking at night. Actually its against school policy, but he couldnt tell on his roommates, you know, cause that would reflect badly on me.

So they left him no choice but to move away.

Right now hes living in a studio all by himself, which is much quieter and cleaner than before.




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