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2024-07-08 15:27:40 来源:中国教育在线



Personal freedom in Thailand


Pupils fight for the right to be hirsute


1. At a busy intersection in Bangkok 15-year-old Benjamaporn Nivas sits in her school uniform with her hands bound behind her and her mouth taped shut. A sign hanging from her neck reads This pupil violates school rules by wearing her hair long, past her ears and with a fringe. Please punish her. On Ms Benjamaporns lap lies a large pair of scissors to help passers-by fulfill the request by administering a more suitable hair-do.

在曼谷一个繁忙的十字路口,15岁的Benjamaporn Nivas穿着校服,双手被绑在身后,嘴巴被胶带封住了,脖子上还挂着一块牌子,上面写着:该学生头发超过耳垂,留有刘海,违反了规定,请惩罚她。她膝盖上还放着一把剪刀,路人可以用剪刀来帮助她管理发型。

2. When Ms Benjamaporn appeared in this way in late June, she was not actually being punished by her school, but rather was trying to draw attention to the humiliating hair-related discipline teachers in Thailand often inflict on students. She was, predictably, punished for doing so, by the police, who forced her to abandon her protest within hours. A week later she and other members of a campaign group called Bad Student had submitted more than 300 complaints to the ministry of education on behalf of pupils who had been given haircuts by their teachers over the previous four months alone.


3. The enforcement of uniform hairstylescrew-cuts for boys and fringeless bobs for girlsdates to a dress code introduced in 1972 by Thanom Kittikachorn, a military dictator who was later toppled in a student-led uprising. The dress code was subsequently relaxed, and as recently as May the education ministry reiterated that rules on hair and attire are up to schools, but many remain extremely strict.

泰国要求统一发型,男孩需得留平头,女孩留无刘海波波头,这一规定可以始于1972年,当时的军事独裁者Thanom Kittikachorn提出了这一着装规定,他后来在一场学生主导的起义中被推翻,随后,泰国的着装规定有所放松。就在今年五月,教育部重申学生的发型和着装由学校决定,但是很多学校的规定还是很严格。

4. Teachers often shear pupils ineptly on purpose. Photos and videos of haphazard orlopsided cuts administered by zealous educators abound on social media. A student in Yasothon province in north-east Thailand had a T shaved into his hair as punishment for refusing to cut it shorter. Another in Sisaket had half her locks trimmed in front of the whole school. One side was long, while the other was short. I was embarrassed, she told local reporters. Pupils argue that the issue goes beyond fashion. It is about having rights over our bodies and reforming an ossified education system. If you do not prostrate yourself or obey the elders you are deemed bad, explains Ms Benjamaporn. Netiwit Chotiphatphaisal, a university student who caused a stir in 2016 by refusing to prostrate himself before the statue of a former king, describes such practices as oppression resulting from decades under the military disguised as traditions. In 2018 an official at the education ministry told local papers: It is to the benefit of the military government and conservative members of the ruling class that young Thais learn a rigid system from an early age.

老师经常故意乱剪学生头发。社交媒体上到处都是教师们随便乱剪学生头发的视频和照片。泰国东北部亚索托省的一名学生因为拒绝把头发剪短受到了惩罚,他的头发被剃成了一个T字形。西萨格的一个女孩在全校师生面前被剪掉了一半的头发。她告诉当地记者:我的头发一半长,一半短,很尴尬。学生们认为这并不是时尚。Benjamaporn 说这关乎我们是否拥有身体控制权,关护改革僵化的教育体系。如果你不听长辈的话,你就是坏孩子。2016年,一名名叫Netiwit Chotiphatphaisal的大学生因为拒绝在一位前国王的雕像前下跪而引起了一场骚动,他将在国王雕像面前下跪这种行为称为几十年来伪装成传统的军事压迫。2018年,教育部的一名官员告诉当地报纸:年轻的泰国人很小就了解严格的制度,这对政府和统治阶级保守派成员都是很有益处的。

5. Yukti Mukdawijitra of Thammasat University believes that public punishments are a way toembed a culture of unquestioning obedience to authority. Social media, however, have given pupils a way to fight back. The generals who run Thailand have in recent years been clampingdown on dissent, banning nettlesome political parties and tightening restrictions on online criticism. But young Thais do not seem to like being told what to doand some, at least, are not afraid to say so.

法政大学的Yukti Mukdawijitra认为,公开惩罚是灌输绝对服从权威这一文化的一种方式。然而,社交媒体给了学生们抗争的机会。近年来,泰国统治者一直在压制异见者,打击政党,限制网络批评。但是,新一代泰国人并不喜欢被别人指使应该做什么,或者说,很多年轻泰国人不害怕说自己不愿被人控制。



P1P2:由Benjamaporn Nivas的例子引入,泰国年轻人反抗严格的着装规定。




intersection/ɪntəsekʃ(ə)n/ n. 横断; 交叉;交叉点, 十字路口


The policeman regulated traffic at the intersection.


administer /ədmɪnɪstə/ vt. 管理, 支配;给予;执行, 实施


It takes brains to administer upon a large corporation.


inflict on 使承担(痛苦,负担等);给以(打击,惩罚等)


More important, the presidents mercantilism blinds him to the damage he could inflict on America.


crew-cut n. 平头


One six-foot, 250-pound bruiser with a crew cut started booing even before they finished my introduction.


fringeless bob 无刘海波波头

dictator/dɪkteɪtə/ n. 独裁者;命令者


The dictators policies had soon disaffected the people.


topple/tɒp(ə)l/ vt. 颠覆;推翻;使倒塌


topple over v. 推翻;倒塌;颠覆

topple down 推翻;倒塌


The general is accused of conniving in a plot to topple the government.


uprising /ʌpraɪzɪŋ/ n. 起义, 暴动


He was killed in the Warsaw uprising.


dress code着装规范

reiterate/riːɪtəreɪt/ vt. 反复地说,重申n. 反复地说,重申adj. 反复说的,重申的


The boy do not move though the teacher reiterate her command.


attire /ətaɪə/ n. 服装;盛装vt. 打扮;使穿衣


splendid attire 华丽的服饰; 盛装;

attire in 穿上

night attire 睡衣

casual attire 休闲装


He piqued himself on his stylish attire.


ineptly/ineptli/ adv. 不适当地;无能地


inept adj. 不适当的;笨拙的


He was an inept politician.


on purpose有目的地,故意地


I dont think he stepped on your toes on purpose.


haphazard /hphzəd/ adj. 偶然的, 随意的, 无计划的


The town grew in a haphazard way.


lopsided/lɒpsaɪdɪd/ adj. 不平等的;两侧不匀称〔不平衡〕的;向一侧歪斜的


The lopsided load on the lorry looked dangerous.


zealous/zeləs/ adj. 热心的,热情的,积极的


She is a zealous supporter of our cause.


ossified/ɔsifaid/ adj. 已骨化的;僵化的


ossify vt.vi. 骨化,硬化;使僵化

ossification n. 骨化;成骨;(思想的)僵化


His thinking has ossified as hes grown older;he wont accept new ideas.


prostrate /prɒstreɪt/ adj. 卧倒的, 俯卧的, 拜倒的(尤指因筋疲力尽或为表示顺从、敬意等);被某事物所制服的;瓦解的;无能为力的vt. 使俯伏;使拜倒;(指疾病、天气等)使某人无能为力


He was prostrated by the loss of his wife.


conservative/kənˈsə:vətiv/ n. 保守的人adj. 保守的, 守旧的;(式样等)不时新的, 传统的


He is a conservative member of the church.


embed/ɪmbed/ vt. 栽种;使嵌入,使插入;使深留脑中


The arrow embedded itself in the wall.


clamp down 取缔;施加压力,强行压制

clamp down on (对)进行压制(或取缔)


The government should clamp down on environment polluters.


nettlesome/netlsəm/ adj. 令人激恼的;易怒的;烦人的


Beyond the nettlesome issue of abetting government censorship, they said six weeks was not enough time to shift production on such a large scale.


dissent/dɪsent/ n. 意见的分歧vi. 不同意, 持异议


dissent from 不赞同;与意见不同


He attacked the indulgence shown to religious dissenters.


The regime ruthlessly suppresses all dissent.



The enforcement of uniform hairstylescrew-cuts for boys and fringeless bobs for girlsdates to a dress code introduced in 1972 by Thanom Kittikachorn, a military dictator who was later toppled in a student-led uprising.


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