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2024-07-08 15:55:33 来源:中国教育在线



If not taking my parents opinion as a factor, I would really like to be a zookeeper in Australia for a short period of time.

Firstly, Australia is a county that always lies in my travel check list. I have heard from friends, read books and watched TV shows about the beautiful scenery in Australia. Because of the unique environment, there are various animals which only exist in that country, such as koala, kangaroo, and platypus. They all look fluffy and adorable which make me want to give them a big hug.

Secondly, I am a crazy animal lover. It is my childhood dream to stay with cute animals all day long. When I visited zoos in China, I feel envious of the zookeepers standing beside the animals, feeding them food and playing with them. I have been to over ten zoos in different cities and countries and have not yet get bored.

However, I do recognise the difference between a qualified zookeeper and a visitor. In order to work in a zoo, I need to learn about habits of the animal that I will take care of. As a medical major student, I believe that I could learn vet knowledge more easily than others. Although I have not yet looked up the specific requirement for a zookeeper in Australia, I do have a general understanding of the qualification and training I need to go through. I suppose it would be hardly possible for me to become a professional zookeeper, therefore I am hoping to work for a short term or even as a volunteer in an Australian zoo one day.


-Check list 计划表

-Adorable 可爱的

-Envious 嫉妒的

-Qualified 合格的

-Application 申请


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