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2024-07-08 15:58:01 来源:中国教育在线

随着留学市场的不断发展,越来越多的学生选择留学。如果你也是想要留学的学生之一,那么你就需要参加语言考试,其中雅思托福就是最为常见的英语考试,下面中国教育在线外语频道小编就为大家介绍一下雅思写作大作文社会类话题 人们在家时间变少 写作思路含范文。

雅思写作大作文社会类话题 人们在家时间变少 写作思路含范文

Today,many people spend less and less time in their homes. whats the reason for it? What are the effects of this trend on individuals and society? (题目来源:2019年12月21日大陆雅思大作文)




➡️ 这种问原因和影响的题目,段落安排上就将原因和影响写成2个主体段,注意影响只是来自于这个问题本身,不受到原因的牵绊;



或者可以把一个抽象的概念细化为具体的内容,然后才从具体的结果倒推具体原因,如many people spend less and less time in their homes,可以把many people细化到是具体什么人,上班族不在家的原因;有闲有钱的人不在家的原因;




The importance of family life has been on the wane in modern society. While various hypotheses have been put forward to explain the tendency, I tend to analyze this issue in terms of the aspects of work pressure and technological development, and I would further explore its ramification on both individuals and the society as well.

From the perspective of working adults, why the majority fail to have as much time to share with families is a symptom of problem to which I see the busy schedule as a main answer. Living in a fast-paced world, the majority are inundated with a multitude of tasks, which chain them in the offices even if the clock ticks past five. Ironically, however, even those who do not live a hectic life can hardly be found at home either nowadays. Thanks to the technology revolution in transportation and the ensued tourism craze, more and more people tend to travel more frequently in leisure time than their predecessors did.

When asked about the impact of the shrinking family time, it looks to me that it can be considered as both positive and detrimental, depending on discrete aspect. At an individual level, it is hard for me to see this trend as anything other than a detriment to the bond between family members due to the lack of emotional communication, which inevitably exacerbates the already frayed sense of family in modern era. On the other spectrum, more social activities outside families, whether these be work or entertainment, benefit the economy as a whole, given that longer working hours usually bring about higher productivity for businesses in most cases, not to mention the increasing frequency of travel that plays as a stimulus that sustains the flourish of tourism industry.

In conclusion, the less time in family is both the result that can be correlated with hectic life and transport development. While the phenomenon seems to be a curse on modern individuals, its benefit to the society in terms of the economic return cannot be overlooked.


Live a hectic life 生活忙碌

Be inundated with 应接不暇

Predecessor 前辈

Craze 热潮

Exacerbate 使加剧

Frayed 磨损的

Flourish 蓬勃发展

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