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2024-07-08 16:19:59 来源:中国教育在线



Do you think artists with talents should focus on their talents?

ls it possible for us to know whether children who are 3 or 4 years old will become musicians and painters when they grow up?

Why do people like to watch talent shows?

Do you think it is more interesting to watch famous peoples or ordinary peoples shows?

1.Do you think artists with talents should focus on their talents?


[sample answer]

Yes. I think they definitely should as talent is something that comes with birth and not everyone can have. It would be totally a waste if you dont do anything about it. A person with talent is more likely to become a great artist. For example, I heard that Mozart, the child prodigy who began showing his talents when he was just three years old. Then he kept practicing and became one of the greatest composers in the history.






2.ls it possible for us to know whether children who are 3 or 4 years old will become musicians and painters when they grow up?

[sample answer]

Well, I dont think it is possible to predict what a child will grow up to be in the future at such a young age. Mainly because this age is when they want to discover the world around them and like to try all kinds of things. Sometimes they show great interest in music, painting, or machines, yet when they grow older, they might lose interest in them or if they dont get enough support from their parents, they probably just drop it even though they have this innate talent in some area.

3.Why do people like to watch talent shows?

Talent show,比较古早的印象就是Americas Got Talent以及各个国家举办的同名节目,然后还有American Idol,第一季冠军说出名字来也许会暴露年纪Kelly Clarkson,她后来的发展也挺成功,专辑好听销量也不错,而在参加比赛之前,她只是一个鸡尾酒调酒师吗?第八季的Adam Lambert,一曲Born to be wild的震动到现在我还感觉很清晰。中国也有很多这样的节目,比如当年的中国达人秀,超级女声,快乐男声,后来的中国好声音,再到现在的这就是街舞,中国有嘻哈,创造营,青春有你,演员请就位,等等,都是talent show。这些节目观众参与度都非常高,到了要投票的时候观众疯狂打投那也是很常见。

那么现在问题来了,为什么人们喜欢看talent shows呢?

[sample answer]

Well, I guess one reason is that talent shows are very entertaining. Performances like dancing, singing and acrobatics are always amusing, or even exciting, and watching them is a very good way to relax.

On top of that, I suppose it is undeniable that when we see ordinary people like you and me standing on the stage singing and getting a pass card, and even become very famous and successful, we get greatly encouraged and inspired, coz we see a possibility, one that ordinary people can be successful, too. For example, I watched an interview of the audiences of Britains Got Talent, who said that they cried after hearing Susan Boyle sing the song I Dreamed a Dream. It was not because she sang so beautifully, but the truth that she let them know dreams, although far away, can be reached through persistence.


4.Do you think it is more interesting to watch famous peoples or ordinary peoples shows?

[sample answer]

Well, Id say both of them are pretty interesting.

If you watch famous peoples shows, you can see another side of them, which is usually quite different from what youve seen from their movies, TV series and things like that. And you could know a lot of stories behind. For instance, in the reality show you can see a super movie star who always looks very serious is surprisingly very easy-going, can cook really well and cook for his co-workers.


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