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2024-07-09 09:54:27 来源:中国教育在线

同学们您是否也想知道雅思口语Part3新题高分答案:A perfect job,这个问题的分析和解答呢?相信你通过以下的文章内容就会有更深入的了解,话不多说,接下来就跟着中国教育在线小编一起看看吧。

雅思口语Part3新题高分答案:A perfect job


Describe a perfect job you would like to have in the future

You should say:

What it is;

How you knew it;

What it is like;

And explain why you think it is perfect



人们在考虑career choices的时候,会考虑些什么因素呢?钱?兴趣?特长?工作时间?



What kind of job do children like?

I think childhood hobbies and interests greatly influence childrens dream jobs. Younger children that like to watch Marvel movies or Harry Potter would like to be superheros or wizards after they grow up, only to find out those jobs dont actually exist. Older children generally would want to have jobs that are related to what they like to play. For example, girls who like to sing with High School Musical or Elsa would possibly like to be singers or actresses when they grow up. Boys who like to play football or basketball may want to be professional athletes when they enter college. And children who like to tell stories or solve problems might aspire to be professors in the future.

Do children like to choose the same profession as their parents?

I think parents have a great influence on childrens career decisions. Growing up, children are able to understand their parents work responsibilities, work hours as well as after-work life, through observations and conversations. Parents can also give advice as well as setting examples to children about their own jobs. Therefore, children are very likely to follow their parents footprints. However, many other children choose their dream jobs based on their own interests or other factors, such as what their siblings do or what they learn in school.

Will people regret about their career choices when they become older?

I believe some people will experience some level of regret around their career choices when they become older. Decisions are a natural part of life and it is inevitable that some people make bad decisions only to realize them later. People may choose a wrong career for various reasons. Some may stay for a job for the money over the growth opportunity or work they actually love. Some may have jobs that take on too much of their time and neglect their personal lives. Some may choose a stable job and try to avoid taking any risks or facing failure. All of these can make someone regret about their career choice later.

What should people consider when choosing jobs?

There are a lot of factors people should consider for their career choices. I think the most important one is happiness. People should choose a job that makes them happy, and dont be pressured into a job because of its stability. While happiness should be prioritized, realistic people should also consider the marketability and potential growth of a job, which can ensure you will have an opportunity to work in the future. Third, I think people should consider whether they can use their own skills and training backgrounds in a job. It can help them better succeed at work.

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