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2024-07-09 10:25:36 来源:中国教育在线





Describe a large company that you are interested in.

You should say:

What it is

What kind of business it does

How you knew it

And explain how you feel about it

Im interested in the company Microsoft. Its a huge company and was founded by the famous billionaire Bill Gates. Its a computer, technology company and everyone has heard of it and everyone knows it. I feel a strong sense of respect for the company and everything Bill Gates has done to establish it and make it the most powerful company, most possibly, in the world. I have always been interested in business management as well as programming and technology, so I am quite drawn to learning about tech companies, from my own country and overseas. I would love to become the CEO of a powerful company, myself, and succeed in making it really famous. On the topic of big successful companies, I am a strong believer that its really great to have a job with such a companypartly because of the job security, but also because a lot of these large tech companies have really interesting and innovative-focused company cultures. They tend to be very forward-thinking, with an emphasis on teamwork and a strong company culture that also includes open work spaces, wonderfully designed offices, canteens, cafeterias and plenty of extra benefits. Take Hua Wei for example: it has also become powerful and strong and attracts a lot of top talent because of the amazingly designed offices spaces, the attention to employee training and development and the spirit of innovation that goes beyond just the products themselves. I think that Microsoft was possibly one of the first companies to start to promote this way of running a company, and I think that is possibly because people in the tech field are always looking towards the future and thinking about what is the best method, the best approach to bringing out the best work from peopleand a big part of that is making employees feel part of something great, as well as respected, paid highly and given additional attractive benefits that keep them ambitious, motivated and encouraged and inspired.


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