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2024-07-09 11:22:07 来源:中国教育在线



Why I dont have a child


1. I was 31 the last time I got pregnant. And after a lifetime of certainty that I did not want to be a mother, I felt an unexpected thing, cutting through the panic and the nausea: happiness.


2. Every morning since an intuitive nudge sent me to fetch a pregnancy test from the drugstore, my breasts oddly sore and my stomach in a low-level but constant state ofturbulence, I would wake up with the thought: I can do this. I want to do this.


3. By the time I fell asleep at night, I was sure there was no possible way I could do this, this being raising a child on my own.


4. And it would have to be on my own. The man involved, despite saying he was excited and down for this, he was also hiding a romantic partner behind his back. When youre free spirited and wealthy enough to have multiple homes, it turns out you can hide a wife in one of them or move her around like some gaslighting shell game and your other girlfriendsmultiplewill be none the wiser. So he wasnt going to be much help.

但我必须一个人抚养孩子。那个男人,尽管他说他很兴奋,也很愿意和我一起有一个孩子,但是他背地里却有一个情人。当一个人放荡不羁且富有的时候,他可以把妻子藏在其中的 一个房子里,或者是像搬煤气灯一样把她搬来搬去,而她的女朋友们对这些却一无所知。所以,他帮不上我什么忙。

5. I was, and remain to this day, in a state of emotional and physical estrangement from my family, because of dynamics too complicated to share here. And as I had recently gotten rid of all of my belongings to move to another continent, my social circle was mostly acquaintances. There was no guarantee I would even be allowed to stay where I had moved. I had not yet secured my long-term visa, and immigration departments are often suspicious, if not downright hostile to pregnant women, even if there is no birthright citizenship policy in place.


6. It was just going to be me and this boy. I was sure he was a boy: he had been appearing in my dreams. He had extraordinarily long legs, like a hare. He had my blue eyes. There was something romantic about the situation, just me and this kid against the world and against all of the odds. I had to travel a lot for work, but I thought I could just strap him onto my body and take him with me. I started fantasizing about our life together. It would be unpredictable, sure, but exciting. I couldnt provide him the idyllic white picket fence, but I could show him the world.


7. But then I stopped thinking about what this life would be like for me and started to think about what this life would be like for him. I read about attachment theory and how having only one sometimes emotionally erratic caretaker in early life could lead to issues later on. I read about the importance of stability in early childhood. I remembered that while I didnt mind going hungry every once in a while when there are gaps between payments for my freelance work, it would be unacceptable for a child to lack food. I considered my inability to find stable work.


8. Then there was my anxiety disorder and my bouts of suicidal ideation. If I had been able to be a pillar of strength in a swirl of chaos for the sake of my son, maybe I could have pulled it off. But as I assessed my sons future, there was more deprivation than abundance.


9. I decided to terminate. It was the child, my child, I was trying to protect by ushering it out of this world. His was likely to be a life of hardship, and that was even in a best case scenarioif there had been complications during the pregnancy or birth, if my economic situation worsened, if there was an accident or illness, if, if, ifI cared too much about this child to bring him into a situation where not just only flourishing was unlikely, but the odds of survival were a bit off.


10. As I shared my story with friends, they came back with stories of their own. A friend with two sons had found herself pregnant almost immediately after she stopped breastfeeding her second child. Her husband had recently returned to school to finish a degree, and money wasscarce. They lived in a city with a catastrophic schooling system, so they had decided to home school. Another child would bind them to the home for a longer time.


11. She needed to explain why she could not mother another child. I understood she wasnt trying to fend off my judgment of them. She was dealing with the judgment she was dumping on herself. The same judgment I heaped on my own self for being unable to continue my pregnancy: Im a failure for not making more money. Im a whiny complainer for being unable to not have depression and anxiety. Im a terror, Im worthless, I cant even do this one thing that I am biologically programmedand seemingly eager, as I got pregnant while on the pillto do.


12. There has been a lot of hand-wringing about declining birth rates, the lowest in more than 30 years, across all race and class divides. Were told millennial women choosing not to have children will be bad for the economy, it will be bad for the aging baby boomer population, it will be bad for the real estate market. According to Forbes, its bad for older women desperate for grandchildren. But are people actually deciding to delay families, or are they finding themselves in unstable situations where the addition of a child seems unworkable? The reasons given whenop-ed writers bother to ask millennialstoo much debt, not enough financial security, a romantic market that is as rocky as the job marketpoint more to the latter.









unexpected/ʌnɪkspektɪd/ adj. 没有料想到的, 意外的, 突如其来的


unexpected news 意外的消息;出乎意料的新闻

unexpected accident 不能预料的事故


His unexpected death is unexpected news.


cut through抄近路走过;刺穿


The boat cut effortlessly through the water.


nausea/nɔːsɪə/ n. 作呕;恶心;反胃


The patient complained of inappetence and nausea.


intuitive/ɪntjuːɪtɪv/ adj. 有直觉力的;凭直觉获知的


We have no intuitive grasp of the immensity of time.


turbulence /tɜːbjʊl(ə)ns/ n. 气体或水的涡流;动乱,骚乱;波动;(海洋、天气等的)狂暴


The turbulence caused the plane to turn over.


wake up v. 醒来,叫醒


wake up call 叫醒电话;提醒信号,警告

wake up to 认识到,意识到


On holidays the little town wakes up.

每逢假日, 这个小城镇就活跃起来了。



Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality.(35KB)


estrangement /ɪsˈtreɪnd ʒmənt/ n. 疏远;失和,不和


estranged adj. 分居的;疏远的,不和的;(与某事物)脱离的,决裂的;

estrange from v. 使疏远;离间;使离开


The quarrel led to a complete estrangement between her and her family.


acquaintance/əkweɪnt(ə)ns/ n. 相识的人, 熟人;对有了解, 熟知, 认识


acquaintance with 相识

acquaintance with someone 对某人的相识,熟

nodding acquaintance 相识不深的人;不完整或肤浅的知识

make the acquaintance of vt. 和相识,结识


I have no acquaintance with this book.


suspicious/səspɪʃəs/ adj. 猜疑的, 疑心的;可疑的;表示怀疑的


suspicious of 对起疑


These words showed that Amelia was suspicious.


The dog sniffed suspiciously at the stranger.


strap /strp/ vt. 用带捆绑;用皮条抽打;约束n. 皮带;带;磨刀皮带;鞭打


The straps hold the baby in securely.


fantasize/fntəsaɪz/ vt.vi. 想像;幻想;做白日梦


One might fantasize the death of someone seen as a threat.


unpredictable/ʌnprɪdɪktəb(ə)l/ adj. 无法预言的, 不可预测的;捉摸不透的, 不稳定的, 反复无常的


His actions since that morning have been eccentric and unpredictable.


idyllic /ɪdɪlɪk/ adj. 牧歌的,田园诗的


Dont you think that sounds idyllic?


erratic/ɪrtɪk/ adj. 不稳定的;古怪的n. 漂泊无定的人;古怪的人


He is a very erratic football player.


unacceptable/ʌnəkseptəb(ə)l/ adj. 不能接受的;不受欢迎的;不合意的;不令人满意的


But some bitter substances in it such as elaterin are unacceptable.


inability/ɪnəbɪlɪtɪ/ n. 无能,无力


inability to 没有...的能力


Her despondency arises from her inability to find employment.


anxiety disorder焦虑症;焦虑性障碍;焦虑症候群

bout/baʊt/ n. 较量;发作;回合;一阵


She is disposed to sudden bouts of depression.


ideation/ˌaɪdɪeɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 构思能力,思维能力;构思过程


suicide ideation 自杀意念

suicidal ideation 自杀观念


There was a significant difference in paranoic ideation between the age group of 40-49 years and the normal group.


deprivation/deprɪveɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 剥夺;被夺去,丧失;缺乏,损失


Sleep deprivation can cause stress,loss of appetite and lethargy.


abundance /əbʌnd(ə)ns/ n. 大量, 充足


in abundance 大量的;丰富的;充足的

an abundance of adj. 大量的

relative abundance 相对多度;元素丰度

species abundance 物种丰度


The tree yields an abundance of fruit.


There was an abundance of corn last year.


terminate/tɜːmɪneɪt/ vt.vi. 结束; 使终结


She chose to have an early termination.


Janes unhappy married life terminated in divorce.


usher/ʌʃə/ n. 引座员, 招待员, 迎宾员;门房, 传达员;助理教员, 助教vt. 引, 领, 陪同


usher in 领进,引进

ushering in 领进; 传报;

usher into 领进


He ushered me into the drawing room.


scenario/sɪnɑːrɪəʊ/ n. 情节;剧本;方案


This is an adaptation of a novel for the scenario.


complication/kɒmplɪkeɪʃ(ə)n/ n. (新出现的)困难, 难题;并发症


complication n. 并发症;复杂;复杂化;混乱

obstetric complication 产科并发症

pregnancy complication 妊娠并发症

complier n. 依从者

comply with 照做,遵守

complying presentation 相符交单

non complying 不服从


She remained innocent of the complications she had caused.


scarce /skeəs/ adj. 缺乏的, 罕见的


Eggs are scarce and expensive this month.


catastrophic/ˌktəˈstrɔfɪk/ adj. 灾难性的;惨重的;悲惨的


It has been predicted that the Earth will tilt on its axis,causing catastrophic famine and disease.


fend off v. 避开;挡开


He neatly fended off a jab at his chest.


heap on把...放在堆上


Unsurprisingly, given the opprobrium often heaped on the profession, ambitious graduates tend to steer clear.


whiny/hwaɪnɪ/ adj. 烦躁的;爱抱怨的;常发牢骚的


People get rude and whiny when they are exhausted.

人们在精疲力竭的时候会变得粗野, 爱发牢骚。

hand-wringing/hnd,rɪŋɪŋ/ n. 绝望,歇斯底里状态adj. 绝望的


But to judge by their hand-wringing, when the justices issue their verdict in June it will not be a surprise if they reject the case on these grounds.


real estate n. 不动产,房地产


Tom is a real estate developer.


desperate/desp(ə)rət/ adj. 不顾一切的, 拼命的;铤而走险的, 孤注一掷的;极想望的, 极需要的;危急的, 极严重的


desperately adv. 拼命地;绝望地;极度地

desperation n. 绝望的境地;不顾一切拼命

desperateness n. 拼命;奋不顾身


In desperation, I decided to try acupuncture.



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