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2024-07-09 13:02:10 来源:中国教育在线

同学们您是否也想知道雅思口语Part 1新题速递——Trees相关语料积累,这个问题的分析和解答呢?相信你通过以下的文章内容就会有更深入的了解,话不多说,接下来就跟着中国教育在线小编一起看看吧。

雅思口语Part 1新题速递——Trees相关语料积累


pine tree / pine 松树

coconut tree 椰子树

maple 枫树

lemon tree 柠檬树

oak tree 橡树

大部分小伙伴对于do you like 的这种题目回答肯定的偏多。既然喜欢树,你总得简单延伸一下吧。比如可以从树种说,特别喜欢某种树(它开花的时候很漂亮啊、很香啊、或者它在某个季节有什么特色啊,blablabla..);

Pine trees can be found almost everywhere in my hometown. And in particular, in winter, snow-dusted pines add extra charm to the town.

snow-dusted pines 白雪皑皑的松树

charm 魅力

We have millions maples scattered across the city. When it comes to autumn, maples trees turn from green to yellow, and from yellow to red. And in the late autumn, the trees blaze in colour: maroon, red, gold, and lemon

scatter v. 散落,分布

maroon 褐红色的

blaze in colour 色彩斑斓

I dont its name but I notice that most of the streets are lined withthese trees. And when the trees are in full blossom, they give off nice fragrance.

be lined with 有一排排

be in full blossom 花朵盛开

give off 散发

fragrance 香气


Im always fascinated with palm-trees. I think its because they remind me of holidays. I mean, every time when I take a holiday by the sea, Im impressed by the stunning view of sapphire sea, the sun-kissed beach dotted with palm-trees.

be fascinated with 对 着迷

remind sb. of sth. 让某人想起

sun-kissed beach 被阳光亲吻过的沙滩(指阳光明媚的沙滩)

sapphire 蔚蓝的

be dotted with 被点缀(形容星星点点地分布着)

palm-trees 棕榈树

(在《孤独星球》的系列文章中,我之前分享过很多关于沙滩、海洋的描述,比如sun-toasted beach, sun-drenched beach, bone-white beach, pine-flecked bay, palm-fringed beach, sun-soaked stretches of sand, sapphire sea, bright-blue sea, jade sea 等等。

I live in an inland town, so tropical trees like palm-trees are a rare sight here.

a rare sight 形容少见、不经常被看到的事物

tropical 热带的

inland 内陆的

I live in a coastal town, so as you could imagine, the place is dotted withpalm-trees. And theyre nice decors.

coastal 海滨的

be dotted with 被点缀

decor 装饰物

I once visited Kyoto, Japan in springtime. Its the season when the bloomsof the sakura, or Japanese cherry trees, burst into colour. When I strolled along blossom-fringed paths in the park, I felt like walking in a wonderland.

springtime 春季

bloom (植物)开花 n.

stroll along 沿着走/散步

blossom-fringed path 两侧有繁花盛开(的植物)的道路

wonderland 仙境


One thing I dont like about trees or shrubs is that therere too many insects and mosquitos!

shrub 灌木

Well, I know trees help freshen the air, but honestly, I wish the oak treenear my house could be removed. In summer, I guess therere thousands cicadasliving in that tree and they make that loud noise without a stop! It reallygets on my nerves.

oak tree 橡树

cicada 蝉

without a stop 不停歇

get on ones nerve = annoy sb.

其他有关Trees的问题无非就是树的好处啊,应该多种树吗之类的。这类的问题是比较互通的,从trees的优点来进行延展即可。比如freshen the air(清新空气), absorb carbon dioxide(吸收二氧化碳), provide a shelter for small animals like birds(给鸟类等小动物居所),provide the shade from the sun(提供树荫), beautify the cities(美化城市),green lung(绿肺)等等。

以上,就是本文的全部内容分享,希望能给同学们带来参考,如果您还有雅思口语Part 1新题速递——Trees相关语料积累其他方面的疑问,欢迎随时在线咨询客服老师。

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