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2024-07-09 16:31:31 来源:中国教育在线



Americas black elite


Our kind of people


How does the black upper class respond to Black Lives Matter?

美国黑人上流社会对Black Lives Matter活动看法为何?

1. Lawrence Otis Graham recalls where he first met Kamala Harris, last summer, in Marthas Vineyard. It was at the holiday home of Spike Lee, a film director, who held a $1,500-a-headfundraiser for the woman who is now number two on the Democratic ticket. She is the new Barack Obama for us, says the thrilled Mr Graham, an author and property lawyer from New York. By us Mr Graham means African-Americans, and in particular the glitziest end of African-American high society.

劳伦斯奥蒂斯格雷厄姆想起去年夏天他在玛莎葡萄园岛第一次见到卡玛拉哈里斯的情景。他是在电影导演斯派克李的度假屋见到她的,斯派克李为这位如今在民主党内排行第二的候选人卡马拉哈里斯举办了每人1500美元的筹款活动。格雷厄姆是纽约一家房地产律师兼作家,他激动地说:对我们来说,她就是下一个巴拉克奥巴马。 格雷厄姆所说的我们指的是非洲裔美国人,特别是那些处于上流社会顶端的非裔美国人。

2. He knows of whom he speaks. He made a name in 1999 by publishing Our Kind of People, asympathetic insider account of the habits, clubs and lifestyles of Americas wealthiest black families. Early on the book, now in its 37th printing, proved controversial. Some whites were ignorant of how black millionaires had thrived, a few of them since the 1870s. People often dont think of blacks having different socioeconomic classes, he says. Some fumed at being publicly named as part of a black aristocracy; others were furious for being left out. Some poorer black readers, in turn, raged at the wealthy.


3. On average black Americans remain significantly less well-off than whites, including among the richest. Among the top 10% of black earners, for example, the median family hasaccumulated assets worth $343,160, said a Brookings Institution report in February. For theequivalent top 10% of white families it was more than five times higher, at $1,789,300. By one Federal Reserve measure, around 2% of black families have assets worth more than $1m; over 15% of white ones do.

总的来看,美国黑人仍远不如白人富裕,即使是最富有的非裔美国人也比不上白人。布鲁金斯学会(Brookings Institution)今年2月发布的一份报告显示,美国收入最高的10%黑人家庭资产中值为343,160美元。而美国收入最高的10%白人家庭则高出五倍多,为1,789,300美元。根据美联储的一项数据,大约2%的黑人家庭资产超过100万美元,而白人则是15%。

4. Yet even if the African-American elite is not huge, it is influential, as a planned televisedserialization of Mr Grahams book will show. The most prominent black families long formed invitation-only clubs where they socialised, created professional networks and presented their children at debutante balls. A prime example is Jack and Jill of America, founded in 1938, a society which claims 40,000 members in 247 chapters, and which is devoted to shaping children into future leaders in business, society and politics.

然而,即使非裔美国人精英人数不多,他们的影响力却很大,正如格雷厄姆的书中所显示的那样,这本书将会在电视上连载。最显赫的黑人家庭长期以来都成立了仅限受邀者参加的俱乐部,在那里他们进行社交活动,建立职业关系网,并在初次社交舞会上介绍他们的孩子。最典型的例子就是1938年成立的美国杰克和吉尔协会(Jack and Jill of America),该协会据称有247个分会,4万名成员,致力于将孩子培养为未来商业、社会和政治领域的领袖。

5. It continues to go strong. This week it held its 44th national conventiona fourday, virtualshindig. It is unabashedly for the most successful. Danielle Brown, its president, dislikes the word elite, but says 98% of members children attend university. (That matters: rising higher-education rates best explain why the earnings of top-paid African-Americans have kept climbing in the past half century, even as those of most black workers steadily fell.) Almost everyone goes on to thrive professionally. They are pretty much at the top of wherever they go, she says.

该协会继续发展。本周,该协会举行了第44届全国大会为期4天的远程盛会。对于最成功的人来说,这是不加掩饰的。委员会主席Danielle Brown不喜欢精英这个词,但她说委员会98%的孩子都会上大学。(这一点很重要:高等教育比例的上升,很好地解释了为什么在过去半个世纪里,收入最高的非洲裔美国人的收入一直在上升,而大多数黑人工人的收入却在稳步下降。)几乎每个人都会在职业上取得成功。无论他们去哪里,都是最棒的,她说。

6. Her outfit, as any rich club must, does plenty of charity work. This year its members helped to pay for 247 needy students to finish college, she says. It also promotes civic duties, the virtue of voting and the benefits of a sound financial education. That is all worthybut in contrast to the occasionally riotous efforts of Black Lives Matter (BLM) activists, it can look terrifically staid. At its cotillion dances demure teenagers, in white Cinderella ball gowns, vie to deliver the deepest curtsy as pearlwearing older ladies look on.

和其他富人俱乐部一样,该俱乐部也做了大量的慈善工作。她说,今年俱乐部成员资助247名贫困学生完成了学业。协会还大力宣传公民义务、投票和健全的金融教育的好处。这一切都是有价值的,但是和Black Lives Matter (BLM)活动比起来,这就显得很古板了。在俱乐部舞会上,端庄的年轻人穿着灰姑娘的白色礼服,争先恐后地行最深的屈膝礼,而身穿珍珠首饰的年长女士们则在一旁观看。

7. Not all alumni are relaxed talking of their past. Few politicians brag of belonging to an elite group. Cory Booker, a senator from New Jersey, rarely brings up his youthful time in Jack and Jill. Dont expect Ms Harris, member of a similarly august group of women volunteers, The Links Inc, to mention it on the stump. Yet many of the most radical leaders or their childrenincluding those of Malcolm x and of Mr Lee had links to Jack and Jill or similar outfits.


8. How do high-society African-Americans respond to upheavals from the covid-19 pandemic, killings by police, and BLM protests of recent months? For Mrs Brown, BLM is representative of the civilrights movement, with a new name. She praises protesters for their vigilance and for stirring publicincluding whiteconcern over matters that were previously ignored. But BLM, in her view, is just one of a wonderful plethora of groups, clubs, sororities, voter-registration outfits and charities: We need different people doing different things.


9. Lerry Knox, a wealthy Chicagoan who runs an international infrastructure-investment fund, and Farissa Knox, who runs an ad agency, also in Chicago, see it in a similar light. The ongoing BLM debate over white supremacy is welcome. I support what BLM is doing. Its a narrative that needs to be spoken, says Mrs Knox. But the couple prefer to invest their personal funds and time in local groups that educate black residents on the benefits of completing census forms, sitting for jury duty and, especially, registering to vote. Structural changes, they say, will come from institutions, including the companies they lead, or from judicial reform and getting new people elected to office. Rage voiced on the streets can dissipate fast.

Lerry Knox是芝加哥一位富人,他经营着一家国际基础设施投资基金,其夫人Farissa Knox经营着一家广告公司,他们对此持同样的看法。BLM活动 白人至上的辩论是很好的。我支持BLM活动的做法。这些需要说出来,诺克斯夫人说。但这对夫妇更愿意将他们的个人资金和时间投入到当地的一些团体中,这些团体在像黑人居民普及填写人口普查表、担任陪审员, 尤其是参加投票的好处。他们说,根本的改变得是制度上的改变,这包括他们领导的公司制度的改变,司法改革以及推举新的人当选, 而游行抗议活动很快就会结束。

10. Yet even the wealthiest align with street protesters in their fury over threats and harassment from police. Mr Knox is blunt about the risks any African-American man faces in public. Mr Graham recounts being stopped and hounded by a plainclothes policeman near his home, while collecting his daughter from schooleven though he was the chairman of his county police board. He describes how rich black families, on moving into mostly white neighbourhoods, learn to visit local police stations to hand out photos of their families, in an effort to stave off trouble. We have to be proactive, he says. It is absolutely demeaning to act in this way, but we have too many stories of what happens when you dont. Dont assume weve bought our way out of this treatment.





P2:介绍了格雷厄姆的相关著作Our Kind of People (标题与之相呼应)



P5P6:详细介绍了其中一个名为Jack and Jill of America的协会。


P8P10:而面对现在的 BLM 运动,这类协会成员的看法大部分是支持和赞成,因为他们自己也经常遭到莫名的拦截审查;但他们更偏向于以自己的方式(例如:向黑人推广人口普查、选票等好处)来提升黑人地位


fundraiser/fʌnd,reizə/ n. 募捐者


The companys chief operating officer was the numero-uno fund-raiser for the event。


glitzy/glɪtsɪ/ adj. 闪光的,耀眼的,眩目的


A glitzy new exhibition centre dedicated to the Titanic (a ship built in Belfast) opened last spring.


sympathetic /sɪmpəetɪk/ adj. 表示同情的;赞同的, 支持的


sympathetic with 对同情

sympathetic consideration 体恤处理,同情之考虑


Her eyes brimmed over with sympathetic tears.


millionaire/mɪljəneə/ n. 百万富翁, 大富翁;大财主, 有钱人


He became a millionaire when he was still young.


socioeconomic/səʊsɪəʊ,iːkənɒmɪk/ adj. 社会经济学的


Infant mortality is a highly sensitive barometer of socio-economic conditions.


fume at 对生气,对感到恼火


The air component isnt influenced by the residual fume at the switching moment.


aristocracy/ˌrɪstɒkrəsɪ/ n. 贵族,统治阶级;贵族统治的国家;一批杰出代表,一批优秀人物;贵族品质;贵族精神;贵族气派


TheLordsare members of the old aristocracy, bishops, lawyers, and retired politicians.


well-off/ˈwelˈɔ:f/ adj. 顺利的,走运的,手头宽裕的,繁荣昌盛的


well off 富裕的;处境好的

be well off 生活过得好,处境良好

come off well 运气好,走运;(事情)有满意的结果


My grandparents were quite well-off.


median/miːdɪən/ n. 中值,中位数;中线adj. 中央的;中值的


The median age on the African continent is 17.


accumulate/əkjuːmjʊleɪt/ vt.vi. 堆积; 积累


accumulative adj. 累计的;累积的;积聚而成的

accumulation n. 积聚,累积;堆积物

accumulation of 积累


Her only interest was the accumulation of money.


equivalent /ɪkwɪv(ə)l(ə)nt/ adj. 相等的, 相当的


The gangsters offered him a sum equivalent to a whole years earnings.


serialization /ˌsɪərɪəlɪzeʃən/ n. 序列化;串行化;连载长篇


It was first written for serialization in a magazine.


socialise/səuʃəlaiz/ v. 使适于社会生活;使符合群体生活之需要;社会主义化


And he said a good place for the community to come together is at the pub - thats a very British place where you can socialise over a drink or two.


debutante/debjʊtɑːnt/ n. 初次参加上层社会社交活动的少女


But those familiar with the history of debutante balls feel confident that they will not suffer permanent demise.


shindig/ʃɪndɪg/ n. 狂欢会,舞会,吵闹,骚动


At the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), a three-day shindig attracting big-name Republicans that ended on March 8th, Dr Carson was given a prominent speaking slot.



unabashed/ʌnəbeɪtɪd/ adj. 不减弱的,不衰退的


It requires the feminine temperament to repeat the same thing three times with unabated zest.


demure/dɪmjʊə/ adj. 严肃的;端庄的;娴静的;假装正直的


Rose Waterford cast down her eyes demurely to give greater effect to her reply.


riotous/raɪətəs/ adj. 暴乱的;狂欢的;不受约束的;放荡的;茂盛的


He was expelled from college for riotous conduct.


cotillion/kətɪljən/ n. 沙龙舞(19世纪流行的一种不断交换舞伴,穿插各种花样的轻快交谊舞)


The cotillion teaches the good graces that women should always have in their Arsenal.


vie to争夺;竞争


He is vying to remain a leading progressive voice on the world stage.


on the stump 做巡回政治演说

alumni/əlʌmnaɪ/ n. (男)校友;(男)毕业生

alumnus n. 男校友;男毕业生


alumni association 校友会


Several alumni have agreed to help raise money.


august /ˈɔːɡəst/ n. 八月(简写为Aug)adj. 威严的;令人敬畏的


Being so near the august person of the Empress, he was overcome with awe.


upheaval/ʌphiːv(ə)l/ n. 剧变;隆起;举起


It was faced with the greatest social upheaval since World War Ⅱ.


vigilance /vɪdʒɪl(ə)ns/ n. 警觉;警惕;警戒;失眠症;惊醒症


We shouldnt relax our vigilance at any time.


plethora/ple(ə)rə/ n. 过剩;过多;多血症


plethora of 过剩的


But Dr Goldacre illustrates his points with a plethora of real-world stories and examples.


sorority/sərɒrɪtɪ/ n. 妇女联谊会;女学生联谊会


A sorority member offered a rushee a cigarette.


sit for 参加,坐着

supremacy/s(j)uːpreməsɪ/ n. 至高, 无上;最高权力【例句】No one could challenge her supremacy in gymnastics.她是最优秀的体操运动员,无人能胜过她。

dissipate/dɪsɪpeɪt/ vt.vi. 驱散; 消失【同根】dissipative adj. 浪费的;消耗的;消散的dissipated adj. 消散的;沉迷于酒色的;闲游浪荡的;放荡的; dissipation n. 浪费;消散;[物] 损耗【例句】He often dissipated his energies in trivial matters.他常在无关紧要的小事上浪费精力。

align with v. 与结盟


A militant group aligned with ISIS has claimed responsibility.


plainclothes /pleɪnkləʊz/ adj. 便衣(尤指不穿制服的警察)的


Riot squads joined plainclothes policemen to move the protesters away from the square.


stave off v. 避开,挡开,延迟


Some executives want to meet Mr. Trump to try to stave off the tariffs.


proactive/prəʊktɪv/ adj. 前摄的


Companies need to supplement prudence with something more proactive.


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