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2024-07-09 16:37:39 来源:中国教育在线




Reading, especially of the classics, is booming


The old stories are the best


1. A NORTH LONDON book club, which includes a top civil servant, a senior Bank of England official and one of the countrys best-known publishers, normally picks the latest novels to dissect. But when lockdown began in late March its six members decided to take on Madame Bovary, Gustave Flauberts masterwork about the danger of getting carried away by social and romantic ambition. The shift in the book clubs tastes was a reaction to the anxious zeitgeist, says one of its members. We wanted a book that had stood the test of time. Something rock solid.

伦敦北部有一家读书俱乐部,其成员包括一名高级公务员、一名英格兰银行高级官员和英国最知名的出版商,该俱乐部经常会挑选一些最新的小说来进行赏析。三月,英国开始实施封锁的时候,俱乐部的六个成员决定阅读《包法利夫人》,这是古斯塔夫福楼拜的杰作,讲述了在社会和浪漫中迷失的危险。书友会的一名成员说,读书会口味的转变是对当前时代的焦虑做出的回应。 我们想要一本能经受住时间考验的书。想要某种坚如磐石的东西。

2. This book club was not alone in turning to the classics in times of crisis. The British almost doubled the time they spent reading books, from around three-and-a-half hours a week, according to Nielsen, a research firm, to six during lockdown, and with bookshops closed and publishing schedules interrupted, many people found themselves browsing their shelves and opening volumes they already owned but had never got round to reading. There was much talk of poetry, and of immersion in the Russian greats.


3. These new habits seem to have stuck. A fortnight after lockdown ended, over a third of people said they were reading more than before lockdown, while a tenth said they were reading less. Almost 2.2m booksa year-on-year increase of 9%were sold in Britain in the eight weeks to August 15th.


4. Sales of the classics soared. Everyman, which specialises in reprints of classic titles, says that its sales in July were up by 31% year-on-year. In uncertain times, people wantwisdom, the ancients, the great sages, according to David Campbell, the firms publisher. And the classics are the greatest books ever written. Economic turmoil may also have contributed to healthy sales. Recessions are very good for publishing. People dont go out and buy a new car or go on a fancy holiday. So they do something else with their leisure time. Books are very cheap, and theyre a huge source of solace and pleasure.


5. Weighty tomes are doing particularly well. After Marcus Aureliuss Meditations, Everymans bestselling titles are a two-volume edition of Tolstoys stories, then 1,400 pages of Montaigne. FaberFaber reports that its most popular title in lockdown, after Sally Rooneys Normal People, was A Fine Balance, Rohinton Mistrys 600-page Indian epic set in a city by the sea, published in 1995.

大部头的书尤其畅销。继马可奥勒留的《沉思录》之后,Everyman最畅销的书是两卷本的托尔斯泰小说,其次是1400页的蒙田小说。据FaberFaber报道,继Sally Rooney的《普通人》之后,在封锁期间最受欢迎的书是罗因顿米斯特里1995年出版的600页印度史诗《微妙的平衡》,该诗以一个海滨城市为背景。

6. Taking advantage of the popularity of the classics, HarperCollins is planning to relaunch Master and Commander, Patrick OBrians series of 20 novels set against the backdrop of the Napoleonic war, the first of which was published 50 years ago. The new campaign, shaped by the fiction markets increasing tilt towards women, will present them not as naval adventures for boys but as social commentary about friendship, loyalty, love and confinement: less the offspring of Horatio Hornblower, more Jane Austen at sea.


7. But a crisis that has proved a boon for older titles may be a curse for new ones. Many publishers delayed publication of books they had originally planned for the summerespecially debut novels, which need the complex ecology of bookshops, reviews and festival events to get noticed. The result is a crowded autumn. Almost 600 books are due to come out on September 3rd, the unofficial start of the British publishing season. Competition among first-time novelists will be particularly fierce. The longlist for the Booker Prize for Fiction includes eight debut novelsthe largest number ever. Those that do not benefit from that sort of leg-up will struggle to get attention.




重点单词top civil servant顶级公务员【例句】Canadas top civil servant resigned over his entanglement in a scandal加拿大高级公务员因卷入一桩丑闻而辞职。

dissect /da ɪ sekt/ vt. 解剖(动物等);仔细分析或研究【例句】He dissected the plan afterward to learn why it had failed.他事后仔细剖析那项计划以便搞清它失败的原因。

zeitgeist /za ɪ tga ɪ st/ n. 时代精神,时代思潮【例句】There are also more puckish signs of a zeitgeist shift.也有一些时代思想转变的恶作剧。

rock solid n. 坚石;adj. 稳定的;坚定的【例句】The support for the party was rock solid. 这一政党得到了坚定的支持。

get round to 抽出时间来做;开始考虑(挨次办理)get round to doing sth 终于处理某事【例句】I tried bringing it up at the focus meeting, but we didnt get round to it.我试着在中心会议上提出这个问题,但没有抽出时间。

immersion / ɪ m ɜ ː ʃ ( ə )n/ n. 沉浸;洗礼【例句】He immersed himself totally in his work.他埋头于工作中。

year-on-year / jə:r ,ɔnjə:/ adj. 与上年同期数字相比的year on year 年同比【例句】This means the size of the ozone hole changes year on year.这意味着臭氧层空洞的大小每年都在改变。

turmoil /tɜːmɒɪl/ n. 混乱【例句】The country was in turmoil .这个国家陷于混乱中。

solace /sɒlɪs/ n. 安慰;安慰物vt. 安慰;慰藉【例句】The invalid found solace in music.那病人从音乐中得到安慰。

tome /təʊm/ n. (书的)一卷;大部头的书;大部头巨著;大部头巨著【例句】Weighty tomes were written about its philosophy and technique.也有许多书卷记载了各画派的理念及技巧。

a city by the sea海滨城市

relaunch /ri: lɔ:ntʃ / vt. 重新发射;重新发动n. 重新开张;重新上市【例句】The Today Show is re-launching its morning show page on today.com.《今日秀》重新出现在today.com早间节目的页面。

confinement /kənfaɪnmənt/ n. 限制,被监禁;分娩【例句】The animals are kept in close confinement.动物给严密地关了起来。

boon /buːn/ n. 恩惠;利益;福利adj. 愉快的;慷慨的【例句】A spanking breeze is a boon to sailors.一阵狂风是对水手们的及时恩赐。

debut novel处女作【例句】This is the unnervingly plausible set-up for Joanne Ramoss impressive debut novel,The Farm .这就是乔安妮拉莫斯令人印象深刻的处女作《农场》中刻画的令人不安的似是而非的场景。

ecology /ɪkɒlədʒɪ/ n. 生态学;社会生态学【例句】To keep ecology in balance is our duty.保持生态平衡是我们的职责。

come out vi. 出现,显露,出版,发表,结果是【拓展】come out top adv. 名列前茅come out for 赞同;表示支持;出去come out of v. 由...产生;从...出来come out against 反抗;出来反对come out first 得第一名;获胜come out with 说出;发表;出版;供应,把投入市场【例句】When is the novel coming out in paperback?那部小说的平装本什么时候出版?

leg-up /leɡʌp/ n. 帮助,援助【拓展】a leg up 占上风;鼓励;支持give sb a leg up 帮助某人上马〔爬墙等); 用钱〔影响力〕帮助人;【例句】Engineering students at Northwestern University are getting a leg up on the competition.西北大学的工科生在竞争中占取优势。


The British almost doubled the time they spent reading books, from around three-and-a-half hours a week, according to Nielsen, a research firm, to six during lockdown, and with bookshops closed and publishing schedules interrupted, many people found themselves browsing their shelves and opening volumes they already owned but had never got round to reading.


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