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2024-07-09 17:43:26 来源:中国教育在线

如果大家想进入国外大学,那么基本上都需要准备语言成绩,下面是由小编为大家整理的“雅思口语P2有话说 | 天秤座表示这题我会,8分素材之困难的决定”,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读本文。

雅思口语P2有话说 | 天秤座表示这题我会,8分素材之困难的决定


Describe a difficult decision that you once made

You should say;

What the decision was

When you made your decision

What the results of the decision were

And explain why it was difficult to make




第一小问What the decision was什么决定


第二小问 When you made your decision 什么时候


第三小问 What the results of the decision were 最终决定的结果是什么


第四小问And explain why it was difficult to make 为什么难决定

大部分情况下对于原因解释都需要分点回答, 难的原因可以是自身原因或是外界干扰因素,详见下文的思维图。



Id like to talk about a hard decision that I made last year. Its about whether I should study abroad in England or further my study here in China.

I had to make this decision in my last summer vacation when I was a sophomore student, and I was about to begin my graduate program the next year. I made this decision mainly by asking opinions from lots of people; for example, I asked some of my friends who plan to go abroad to study and some of the seniors who have already been abroad about their feelings about studying and living in England. And I also asked some of my friends who applied for graduate programs here in china about their experience as well. And I had made my decision based on their answers. The result is that I decide to go abroad to study. Because firstly, I want to become more independent. Here in China, my parents take care of me in every aspect. But in England, I have to take care of myself, like doing the laundry and cooking. And secondly, if I were to study in England, my English would become very fluent. And its very important for my future career development. Besides, I really enjoy English culture, and my favorite British drama is Downton Abby, so I hope to have this opportunity to experience the British lifestyle and culture.

The decision was very difficult to make because, as you know, studying abroad is a huge financial commitment, but my parents are not very rich, but they are willing to support me with that. In addition, as I said, I need to be very independent to study abroad and have to take care of myself. About that, I was not very confident of my own independence. The idea ofgetting everything arranged in perfect order makes me feel very scary. But I think I will figure it out.


sophomore student 大二学生

made my decision 做决定

career development 职业发展

financial commitment 经济负担(责任)

getting everything arranged 万事都被安排

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