2024-07-10 14:18:37 来源:中国教育在线
- 熊猫是熊的一种,但是是特别可爱并且没有攻击性的熊。
- 全身主要是灰色和白色的花纹,毛茸茸的特别可爱。
- The panda is a kind of bear, but it is a very cute and non-aggressive bear.
- The whole body of them is mainly gray and white, with cute fur.
- 我是在小学的生物课本上第一次见到熊猫的照片,书上说这是我们的国宝。
- 我一开始还不是很理解为什么熊猫是国宝,后来在动物园见到他们才明白什么叫萌与可爱。
- I first saw a picture of a panda in a biological textbook in elementary school. The book says that this is our national treasure.
- I didnt understand why the pandas were national treasures at first until I saw them at the zoo.
- 熊猫的可爱之处在于它庞大的外形下那颗温柔的心。熊猫是特别亲人的一个动物,他们最好的朋友除了熊猫以外,还有动物饲养员。
- 我偶尔会在网上看一些熊猫的视频,看熊猫抱住饲养员的大腿不让他走的时候,我真的特别想成为那个饲养员。
- 还有,熊猫还因其可爱偶尔被作为外交礼物送给其他国家,但凡收到熊猫的动物园都会吸引非常多的游客来观看。
- The pandas cuteness lies in the gentle heart under its huge shape. Their best friends include animal breeders in addition to pandas.
- I occasionally watch some videos of pandas online. When I see the pandas holding the thighs of the breeder and not letting him go, I really want to be the breeder.
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