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2024-07-10 14:32:16 来源:中国教育在线

剑16写作7分范文| TEST1了解建筑历史的原因与方式,很多同学对于这个问题有疑问和不解,那么下面就跟着中国教育在线的小编详细了解一下吧。

剑16写作7分范文| TEST1了解建筑历史的原因与方式


Traditionally, few people were willing to spend time finding the history of their houses or buildings, but searching this kind of information enjoys an increasing popularity nowadays. The reason for this phenomenon is that people will benefit from this information and it can be found on the Internet and from seniors living there.

The key reason is that inhabitants can benefit from both positive and negative history of the house or building. On one hand, if people find some wonderful culture-related stories, such as a very famous writer living in the house before, many tourists would be attracted who may take photos of these houses and share them on their social media. In this case, the house will appreciate in the future. On the other hand, finding out the histories of houses and buildings where people are living in could protect them from accidents. For example, some elevators in old buildings have had problems frequently in the past. If people know the information, they can choose to take another elevator rather than the old one.

There are multiple tools for residents to do research. The internet is one of the most feasible resources, which provide both articles and videos related to the history. Besides, some old-fashioned ways, including newspaper and documentaries in the past, also indeed show a clear image of past events. However, under the control of the government or real estate developers, some negative information which may have unfavorable effects on sale might be deleted on the Internet or published works. Therefore, people can consult some seniors who have lived there for a long time, thus gaining a better understanding of the ancient stories.

In conclusion, since the availability of mass media enables us to carry out the research, more and more people start to do that. After all, to citizens, it is meaningful to find stories of houses and buildings.


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