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2024-07-10 16:40:16 来源:中国教育在线





Celebrities are usually famous for glamour and wealth rather than their achievements . Some say taking them as an example can be dangerous for young people. To what extent do you agree or disagree ?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

7分参考范文(283 words)

It seems that the click has become the mere criterion of media and thus, in order to maintain a steady stream, news reports and reviews focus more on eye-catching and stunning events and achievements like glorious actresses on the red carpet and entrepreneur on the rich list. This emphasis on appearance and triumph but ignorance on courses and other factors definitely deliver wrong messages to the whole younger generation.

It is undeniable that idols with remarkable achievements empower ordinary people in different aspects in social contexts like war heroes, diligent scientists, devoted actors and talented players, who indicate the importance of precious qualifications people should acquire and the process to their final destinations. However, all these are neglected with the promotion on wealth, the result of exertion, and glamour, partly nature and partly nurture out of wealth, for general people, especially the young, are hardly able to observe.

As a result, there are several negative impacts our society should bear as a whole. Now that the path to fame is hidden and its urge is irresistible, youngsters will have to deploy their own strategy in its realization. Therefore, various and sometimes extreme behavior like crimes and live self-mutilation do harm to others and themselves. As well as that, their confidence can be destroyed when they realize it is impossible to fill the immense gap and this may lead to idleness. Another group of them may imitate those standards and ways of living, luxurious but unaffordable, which put the young in plastic surgery and debts and cause a series of social problems.


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