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2024-07-10 17:06:30 来源:中国教育在线

随着全球化的加速和教育的多样化,越来越多的学生选择留学,而在申请国外大学时,语言考试是绕不开的一环,本文和大家说一说:雅思写作解析:气候变化预防 or 适应?,一起往下来看看吧。

雅思写作解析:气候变化预防 or 适应?

Some people think instead of preventing climate change, we should find ways to live with it. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 【审题】:instead of 说明这又是一道而不是的题型。适应还是改变,这两个选项可以选边。这道题有一定难度,如果写作主体落在单纯讨论气候变化的好坏,那就跑题了。


To reverse climate change, or to adapt to it, is the question仿拟莎士比亚《哈姆雷特》 always lingering in modern mens mind. Personally, I tend to side with the former choice.

reverse vt. 彻底改变

linger vi. 徘徊

side with vi. 站在一边

让步反驳部分 【论述思路】先让一小步,承认适应气候变化有一定合理性,逻辑链如下:A: 适应气候B: 不需要牺牲工厂工业、日常交通等C: 保障基本生产力和经济发展// 反驳:这些观点都是短视的、站不住脚的,因为有些气候难以适应,最终可能会导致更严重的经济损失和人身安全问题。 Admittedly, it is justifiable for some to advocate adapting to climate change like global warming. This is mainly because once living with it, people merely need to make relatively minute adjustments, such as altering the time of cropping based on the changing climate, instead of sacrificing certain factories and daily transport, such as vehicles and airlines, which ensure the basic productivity though discharge tons of pollutants. In this case, economic growth can be maintained, with halting climate change seeming to be too money-consuming. However, the aforementioned arguments are shallow and short-sighted. Since most repercussions incurred by climate change, especially such natural disasters as floods resulting from the rising sea level, are hard to overcome, humans ignoring may render themselves suffering from homelessness or even death.

minute adj. 细小的crop

vt. 种植sacrifice

vt. 牺牲halt

vt. 停止repercussion n. 结果,反响(常为贬义)


【论述思路】各方通力合作预防气候变化,减小人类活动带来的负面影响的好处:1. A: 预防气候变化B: 国家间的合作和政府各项政策(比如开发新能源)C: 促进科技发展的同时,缓解气候变化问题;2. 个人从小事做起 As a matter of fact, behind preventing climate change via joint efforts are more profound significances. Sundry measures can be tapped to stop, or at least mitigate climate change, without heavy costs as those opponents deem. To commence, as planet-mates, all the nations worldwide have every reason to avoid climate from changing, and to this end they can collaborate with each other such as investing in renewable energy and sharing cutting-edge research findings in certain domains. Naturally, this can alleviate the tension and meanwhile facilitate the technology progresses. Besides, even the smallest person can change the course of the future. For instance, when an individual do not ask for complex wrappings, he or she saves paper behind which are trees, and when every single endeavour put together, it can make a huge difference without costing much.

tap vt. 使用mitigate

vt. 缓解to this end


vi. 合作endeavour n. 努力


In the light of the above, the final verdict is quite crystal-clear. The pros of living with climate change pale into insignificance when set against the upsides of halting it.

verdict n. 意见;结论

pale into insignificance 使显得不那么重要;使相形见绌

以上,就是本文的全部内容分享,希望能给同学们带来参考,如果您还有雅思写作解析:气候变化预防 or 适应?其他方面的疑问,欢迎随时在线咨询客服老师。

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