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2024-07-10 17:39:00 来源:中国教育在线

中国教育在线小编为大家收集整理了口语素材|雅思口语【国家传统】思路解析!How you feel about it,那么接下来就跟着小编一起来看看,相信你通过以下的文章内容就会有更深入的了解。

口语素材|雅思口语【国家传统】思路解析!How you feel about it

- 从参与者着手

你喜欢可能是因为考虑到社交性,你可以在该传统里加固友谊,也可以认识新朋友 ;你也可能会烦躁于该传统为你创造的社交机会,比如:走亲戚,因为他们总是会聊你不敢兴趣的话题。

Example :

To be honest, when I was young, I liked visiting my relatives and I even looked forward to it. Every time I went to their homes, they would give me gifts and money. However, as I got older, I get bored with it.

I hated all the questions they asked me about my life, like school, boyfriends, and what I wanted to do in the future. It is none of their business. After a while, I started visiting less even though my family disapproved.

- 从活动着手


Example :

I love this market very much because it makes our city lively and vibrant. It also allows us to stop for a rest. During the year, we are rushed off our feet 忙碌almost every day. We are busy with work and study, but there is no time to kick back andrelax 放松and do the things we enjoy doing.

But when i go to the market, it just takes me back in time when everything was slower. I can wander around 闲逛 the market at a leisurely pace taking in the atmosphere. The market is also a good place for me to learn more about Chinese culture and see people I grew up with.

- 从地点着手


Example :

Well, it is usually a long, exhausting trip to the cemetery to sweep the graves 坟墓. We first have to go back to our hometown, then get up at the crack of dawn 早起 to make the 3-hour drive through the mountains.

Even though the journey is tough, it gives us a chance to go back to nature and appreciate the simple things like birds singing, beautiful flowers blooming and lush郁郁葱葱的 green hills. We all come away from the trip more connected to each other and grateful to have a close family.

- 从规则着手


Example :

Honestly, I dont enjoy visiting my relatives during the festival as it costs me an arm and a leg. As a single woman, I have to fork out for many things. I have to give red envelopes to everyone and I never know what an acceptable amount is to put in each envelope.

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