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2024-07-11 09:39:56 来源:中国教育在线



Change Yale University To Hale University, Online Petition Says


1. A online petition is seeking to change the name of the nations third oldest college from Yale to Hale. The idea is to replace a controversial colonial corporate figure who oversaw slave trading with the rhymes-with-Yale name of an American hero who died during the Revolutionary War.


2. Elihu Yale (1649-1721) was born in Boston and grew up in London. He became president of an outpost in Madras, India of the British East India Company and from there oversaw a flourishing slave trade, according to a historical account based on company documents. A portrait from the time shows Yale sitting with other rich British gentlemen near a young slave with a collar around his neck.

伊利胡耶鲁(1649-1721) 出生于波士顿,在伦敦长大。根据英国东印度公司的文件记录,耶鲁后来是英国东印度公司在印度马德拉斯前哨基地的总督,在那里,他主要监管奴隶贸易。当时的一幅画像显示,耶鲁和一些其他富有的英国绅士坐在一个脖子上戴着项圈的年轻奴隶旁边。

3. He was controversial even in his time because of his other behavior in India, including hanging a local groomsman for stealing a horse without trial, profiteering from illegal trading side deals, and siring a love child with a widow after his wife returned home to England. Even the epitaph on his tomb offers a split decision in the course of a nine-line poem, stating Much good, some ill, he did


4. In 1718, Elihu Yale gave some of his wealth for a building at a college in New Haven, Connecticut, and school officials named the school after him.


5. Nathan Hale (1755-1776) was a Connecticut teacher who joined the Continental Army early in the Revolutionary War and rose to captain. He volunteered to go on a dangerous spying mission in New York, was captured by the British, and was hanged without trial in Manhattan, after being denied a Bible and a clergyman. He was 21.


6. British officers were impressed enough by Hales behavior to record portions of his speech at the gallows, including a line that has come down through history: I regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.


7. Hale did not own slaves, and was well thought of by friends, relatives, and soldiers under his command. Hale was also a 1773 graduate of the college that currently bears Elihu Yales name.


8. Yale University tilts left, and university officials have in recent years appeared open to making major changes based on the historical record of its honorees.


9. In 2017, the school ditched John C. Calhoun, a prominent 19th century slave owner and defender of slavery, as the honoree of one of its residential colleges where students and some faculty members live.

2017年,耶鲁大学取消了19世纪著名奴隶主、奴隶制捍卫者约翰C卡尔霍恩(John C. Calhoun)作为一所住宿学院的荣誉校长的名义。该住宿学院为一些学生和教职工提供住宿。

10. At the time, the president of Yale University, Peter Salovey, acknowledged that Elihu Yales hands werent clean, either, but he suggested that the earlier mans connection to the school is stronger than Calhouns, who graduated from Yale College in 1802, in part because Elihu Yale donated a significant sum at an important time in the schools development.


11.Honoring a namesake whose legacy so sharply conflicts with the universitys values should weigh especially heavily when the name adorns a residential college, which plays a key role in forming community at Yale, the university president said in February 2017. Moreover, unlike, for example, Elihu Yale, who made a gift that supported the founding of our university, or other namesakes who have close historical connections to Yale, Calhoun has no similarly strong association with our campus.


12. That strong association stems from a letter Congregational minister Cotton Mather wrote in January 1718 to Elihu Yale, who was 68, rich, and without obvious heirs. What was then known as the Collegiate School had recently moved from Saybrook, Connecticut to New Haven, and it was in need of a new building.


13. Mather, according to a web site that quotes the letter called British-Values.com, floated naming rights:

Sir, though you have your felicities in your family, which I pray God continue and multiply, yet certainly, if what is forming at New Haven might wear the name of YALE COLLEGE, it would be better than a name of sons and daughters. And your munificence might easily obtain for you such a commemoration and perpetuation of your valuable name, which would indeed be much better than an Egyptian pyramid.



14. Elihu Yale, after some cajoling, responded with textiles, books, and a portrait of King George I, which were worth enough to help the school establish a foothold in New Haven. Even so, its not clear that calling the school Yale was part of the deal, according to a scholarly article published in 2012 by Yale University Art Gallery Bulletin.

经过一番哄骗,伊利胡耶鲁捐赠了纺织品、书籍和乔治一世的一幅肖像画,这足以帮助学校在纽黑文站稳脚跟。即便如此,根据《耶鲁大学美术馆公报》2012年发表的一篇学术文章,尚不清楚 耶鲁这个名字是否被写入协议。

15. The question comes down to what the meaning of the words YALE COLLEGE is. Was Yale simply to be the name of a new college hall, already under construction, or of the new Collegiate School as a whole? write Basie Bales Gitlin and Jay Gitlin, in an article called Your Valuable Name: Elihu Yales America and Americas Elihu Yale.

问题归结为耶鲁大学这个词是什么意思。Basie Bales Gitlin和Jay Gitlin在一篇名为《你那价值连城的名字:伊利胡耶鲁的美国和美国的伊利胡耶鲁》的文章中写道,耶鲁仅仅是一个正在建造的新大学礼堂的名字,还是大学学院的新名字?

16. The governor of the colony and the colonys council decided in December 1718 to name the whole school Yale, according to the article. But the authors point out that school officials at the time were still hoping to get more out of Elihu. A verbal promise to make a substantial yearly bequest from his estate turned to nothing after he died, and even a one-time bequest of 500 pounds in his will vanished after the will was contested.


17. Critics of Elihu, attracted by a recent Twitter handle that is gaining attention called @CancelYale, are not focusing on such historical niceties, but opting instead for more direct comparisons.


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