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2024-07-11 10:13:41 来源:中国教育在线



Is it time to try Trumps favorite concealer? The rise of mens makeup


With men looking to counteract Zoom fatigue and Rihanna stepping in to launch Fenty Skin, is makeup for men finally about to go mainstream?

男性想要消除Zoom疲劳,蕾哈娜推出Fenty Skin,男性化妆终于要成为主流?

1. Business developer Josh Blaylock decided that his face needed a little lift after his Zoom calls increased exponentially. His virtual meetings had ballooned from two to six to eight hours a day during lockdown. Zoom fatigue is real and I realized I needed a little help to stay fresh faced and Zoom ready for my meetings, he says. So he decided that he needed to use aconcealer under his eyes. He is not alone. Zoom has radically changed mens perceptions of our faces, what is acceptable as camera ready and what real-life filter we want to have.

业务开发人员乔什布莱洛克(Josh Blaylock)觉得,在自己每天的Zoom会议不断增多的情况下,他的脸需要稍微修饰一下,以使自己看起来更有神采。在疫情期间,他的视频会议时间从每天两小时增加到6小时,后来甚至到了8小时。他说,Zoom疲劳症是真实存在的,我意识到我需要一些东西来保持精神满满,让我自己看起来准备就绪的。因此,他觉得他需要用一下眼部遮瑕。他并不是唯一一个这样的男性。Zoom已经从根本上改变了男性对脸的认知,改变了他们对适合拍照的看法,也改变了他们对现实生活滤镜的看法。

2. I think that people are more self-conscious of their faces now, says TJ Tallie, professor of African History at the University of San Diego and a fashion blogger. The monotony of Zoom screen interactions begs for a bit of breaking up of the daily view. Tallie is on Zoom calls for 30 hours a week with students and staff and, like Blaylock, uses under-eye concealer. It made me use it more selectively for natural things, he says.

圣地亚哥大学非洲史教授、时尚博客作者TJ Tallie说:我认为人们现在更关注自己的脸了。Zoom会议上单调的屏幕互动使得人们想要和自的日常生活看起来有所不同。Tallie每周需要和学生教职员工进行30个小时的Zoom会议通话,和布莱洛克一样,他也使用眼底遮瑕。我有选择性地使用眼部遮瑕,以使自己看起来更加自然一些。

3. Internet searches for male makeup looks increased around 80% in April compared to 2019, while there were increases for searches such as covering redness, hiding acne and hidingbags under eyes, according to data from the market analytics firm Moz.


4. During lockdown we certainly saw an uplift in [the mens makeup brand] Warpaint, says Joe Coggrave, a beauty buyer at John Lewis. In particular, the brands foundation and anti-shine powder proved popular with those wanting to look camera-ready for Zoom meetings.

约翰路易斯(John Lewis)的一位美容采购员乔科格格雷夫(Joe Coggrave)称:在疫情封锁期间,男士男士化妆品牌WarPaint的销量有所增加。Warpaint的粉底和防晒产产品广受那些在ZOOM会议上看起来准备就绪的人群中广受欢迎。

5. A poll by Morning Consul, meanwhile, found that a third of male under 45s in the US said they would consider wearing makeup.

与此同时, Morning Consul的一项民意调查发现,在美国45岁以下的男性中,有三分之一的人表示他们会考虑化妆。

6. This Zoom effect has had a knock-on economic one, too. Mens grooming has seenincredible growth during this stay-at-home period, says Maly Bernstein, VP of beauty and personal care at CVS. The Boots of the US has added a mens makeup line, Stryx, to 2000 of its stores.

这种Zoom效应也对经济产生了连锁反应。CVS的副总裁马利伯恩斯坦(Maly Bernstein)主要负责美容和个人护理板块的业务,他表示:在疫情封锁期间,男性美容迅速增长。博姿美国甚至在其2000家门店中增加了男士化妆系列Stryx。

7. At the weekend, Rihanna said her Fenty Skin range, which launches tomorrow, was not just for women. Thats right babyshe wrote under a picture of herself with A$AP Rocky, @Fentyskin is for my fellas too! No matter who you are, you deserve to have great skin! It came after a short ad for the products that featured Rocky and Lil Nas X alongside models Paloma Elsesser and Halima Aden. It ends with the tagline: The new culture of skincare.

上周末,蕾哈娜(Rihanna)表示,她的Fty Skin系列将于明天推出,并不只针对女性。她在一张自己和A$AP Rocky 的合照下写道,是的,宝贝Fentyskin也是给我的兄弟们的!不管是谁,都应该有很好的皮肤。在此之前,该公司发布了一则由洛奇和Lil Nas X以及模特Paloma Elsesser和Halima Aden出镜的广告,这支广告的结束语是:护肤新文化。

8. This new culture is one created by K-pop bands like BTS (who wear full faces of makeup onstage) and male beauty influencers such as Jeffree Star and James Charles who have made mens makeup Instagram OK.

这种新文化是由BTS(在舞台上化妆)等韩国流行乐队以及杰弗里明星(Jeffree Star)和詹姆斯查尔斯(James Charles)等男性美容达人人创造的,他们使得男性化妆在ins上被人们所接受。

9. But mens relationship to makeup has been knotty. As an external expression of masculinity it has expressed itself in different ways.


10. The ancient Egyptians wore eyeliner, the Scottish Picts wore blue stripes on their faces in times of war, and the act of getting ready for the day, the so called toilette of 18th-century England, saw men put fine lead on their faces to look pale and have a smooth complexion.


11. Much later, Little Richard wore pancake makeup and drew on his pencil moustache; then, under the guidance of Pierre LaRoche, David Bowie transformed from Ziggy Stardust to Aladdin Sane with a lightning stripe down his face. Roxy Musics Brian Eno wore multi-coloredeyeshadow in the form of Mary Quants crayons and Prince added blusher and eyeliner to his 80s look. The comedians Russell Brand and Noel Fielding took eyeliner into themetrosexual era of the late 90s and early 00s.

后来,利特尔理查德用起了粉饼,还给自己化了两撇胡子。之后,皮埃尔拉罗什的影响下,大卫鲍伊从齐格星尘变成了阿拉丁萨恩,脸上化了一道闪电纹。Roxy Music的布莱恩伊诺(Brian Eno)用玛丽昆特(Mary Quant)的蜡笔涂了五颜六色的眼影,普林斯在他80多岁的时候涂了腮红和眼线。喜剧演员拉塞尔布兰德(Russell Brand)和诺埃尔菲尔丁(Noel Fiding)将眼线带入了90年代末和00年代初的都市美男时代。

12. But whereas then makeup was used for semaphoring sexual ambiguity, now it is about appearing more presentable in the digital era. We now live in a very visual, Instagram-ready, society, says Blaylock. Men more than ever have embraced fashion and skincare. With the rise of online dating, and selfies, men and their girlfriends/wives understand its not about them putting on a full face of makeup; its about fixing up under-eye bags and covering up those problem areas like acne and razor burn.


13. Politicians have been using it for years. In 2017, it was revealed that Emmanuel Macron spent 26,000 on makeup over a three-month period, while a Washington Post article aboutundocumented workers suggested that Donald Trump used a cheap and cheerful shade of concealer on this face (Nutmeg WPF06 Waterproof foundation). In a paragraph that detailed his specific habits and requirements, the article said: The same rule applied to the Bronx Colors-brand face makeup from Switzerland that Trump slathered on, even if it meant the housekeepers had to regularly bring new shirts from the pro-shop because of the rust-coloured stains on the collars. (The official word on the shade of his skin was good genes, according to the New York Times.)

一直以来,政客们都在化妆。2017年,马克龙被曝三个月的化妆费用为26000欧元,而《华盛顿邮报》一篇关于非法移民的文章中称,特朗普使用了一种廉价但是有用的遮瑕。文章写道:同样的规则也适用于瑞士化妆品牌Bronx Colors,特朗普一直在使用这个品牌,这意味着特朗普的后勤人员得定期从专卖店拿些新衬衫来,因为他的衣领上总是会沾上一些锈色的污渍。 (《纽约时报》称,特朗普皮肤上的斑点是因为他的好基因)

14. Hes never admitted that he wears makeup every day, says Cheryl Wischhover, who wrote about his beauty secrets for Vox, but he has a long history of TV appearances and on The Apprentice, so hes probably very comfortable with the concept, she says. If he does wear makeup, I think that TV application techniques and products [which are applied with a heavier hand than so-called everyday makeup] has skewered his perception of how to use it. I ask Wischhover why she thinks Trump chose such a bright-orange shade. She replies: This is truly the question everyone wants answers to, and I sadly dont have one.

谢丽尔威施霍弗(Cheryl Wischhover)在Vox上写了一篇关于特朗普美容秘诀的文章,并称特朗普从不承认自己每天化妆,但是,他之前经常出现在电视节目中,还参加了《飞黄腾达》的录制,因此,他可能早就接受化妆了。如果他真的化妆了,那我觉得电视改变了他的化妆的看法。我问威施霍弗,为什么特朗普会选择这种亮橙色色调,她答道:这确实是每个人都想问的问题,但是很抱歉,我也不知道。

15. Trumps denial of his beauty routine is in keeping with a tough, macho image. It is in contrast to the approach of Generation Z, whose view of makeup is one of expression rather than gender definition. Taillewho has been using makeup since 2014 since he came outsays he uses it to question masculine stereotypes. As a male professor, theres something slightly transgressive about wearing it, he says. I can challenge stereotypes subtly [and] expectations for masculinity.


16. Todays launch of Rihannas Fenty Skin is already a success (pre-launch, the products were on resale sites at massively inflated prices), but could it also be the moment mens makeup goes truly mainstream? Jill Manoff, editor in chief of the beauty site Glossy, thinks so. With Fenty Skin, Rihanna is catering to a [demographic] that has been comparatively ignored by the industry, true to form, she says. [Shes] kept it simple with three products that dontoverwhelm the everyday guy, agrees Blaylock. On top of that, the products are incredibly affordable.

蕾哈娜(Rihanna)的Fenty Skin今天的发布会已经取得了成功(发布之前,这些产品在转售网站上的价格都大幅上涨),但这是否意味着男士化妆成为主流?美容网站Glossy的主编吉尔曼诺夫(Jill Manoff)认为是的。她说:蕾哈娜推出Fenty Skin,一如既往地抓住了美妆行业相对忽视的群体。(她)用三款简单的产品成功吸引了人们。布雷洛克赞同曼诺夫的观点,最重要的是,这些产品价格实惠得令人难以置信。






P16:蕾哈娜fenty skin的成功表明男性化妆已经成为主流。


exponential /ˌekspənenʃ(ə)l/ n. 指数,倡导者,演奏者,例子,指数adj. 指数的,幂数的


As it does, the objections to them will rise exponentially.


balloon/bəluːn/ vi. 激增;膨胀如气球n. 气球


I ate out of boredom and I just ballooned up .


concealer n. 遮瑕膏/遮瑕霜


concealable 可隐藏的

concealment n. 隐藏,隐蔽;隐匿处

conceal vt. 隐藏;隐瞒


Its really important that your concealer makeup completely matches your foundation to avoid panda eyes.


filter /fɪltə/ n. 过滤, 过滤器vt.vi. 透过, 过滤vi. (消息等)走漏


filter out 过滤掉;不予注意;泄露


This metal net filters out the dirt.


self-conscious/selfkɔnʃəs/ adj. 不自然的,忸怩的,害羞的;有自我意识的,自觉的


Coherent with his metaphysics is his idea at survival clearance, which deepens self consciousness in both atomology and monadism from the angle at survival philosophy.


monotony/mənɒt(ə)nɪ/ n. 单调;千篇一律


The monotony of his voice sent me to sleep.


under-eye concealer眼部遮瑕

acne/knɪ/ n. 痤疮,粉刺


He had terrible acne when he was younger.


bags under eyes眼袋; 下脸坠肉;


His visor had been removed from his helm, to better show his dour face; pouchy bags under his eyes, a wide sour mouth, rusty hair spotted with grey.


John Lewis (约翰路易斯)是指英国伦敦最大的百货商店,成立于1864年,位于英国伦敦牛津街。

uplift /ʌplɪft/ vt. 提高;抬起n. 举起,抬起;道德的向上;精神的高涨


His encouragement gave me a hot sense of uplift.


foundation/faʊndeɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 建立, 设立, 创办;基础, 基本原理, 根据;(这里专指粉底)


Drier skin is common as you age, so you may be happier with a liquid or cream foundation, or even a tinted moisturizer, instead of a powder foundation which can make your skin look flaky.


anti-shine powder控油定妆粉


groom /gruːm/ vt. 推荐;喂马;整饰n. 马夫;新郎;男仆【例句】For most of recent grooming history, having a totally baldpate was most likely for tough-looking guys.在大半的近代美容史上,大光头经常是硬汉型男人,而不是会计部门的「某某」造型。

VP =Vice President 副总裁

CVS是一家美国药妆零售商,旗下研发了自有品牌Promise Organic Baby ,主打有机健康,Promest Organic Baby系列主要包含4款产品,以椰子油为基础进行制作,不含有任何人工化学制剂,产品均通过了第三方测评机构NSF、ANSI的认证。

knock-on /nɔkɔn/ n. 用手(或臂)向前击球(一种犯规动作) adj.使产生连锁反应的【例句】The increase in the price of oil had a knock-on effect on the cost of many other goods.石油价格上涨对其他许多商品的价格引起了连锁反应。

incredible/ɪnkredɪb(ə)l/ adj. 不能相信的, 不可信的;难以置信的, 不可思议的, 惊人的【例句】Old superstitions seem incredible to educated people.旧的迷信对于受过教育的人来说是不可思议的。

tagline n. 品牌口号;标语


The Mail is more measured, with the tagline Britain braces for no-deal disruption.


skincare/skin,kɛə/ adj. 护理皮肤的n. (用化妆品)护肤,皮肤护理


Speedo announced the termination of its contract with him Monday, Ralph Lauren and a skin-care company followed.


knotty/nɒtɪ/ adj. 多节的;有结的;棘手的,难解决的


knotty problem 难解决的问题


Even the professor couldnt clarify the knotty point.


masculinity /ˌmskjəˈlɪnɪti:/ n. 男性;男子气


As a man having a hairless body is about beauty but not masculinity.


eyeliner/ˈailainə/ n. 眼线膏,眼线笔


Eyeliners can be a bit tricky, I know.


toilette/twɑ:let/ n. 打扮,化妆;装饰;礼服


Not liking to show him that I had heard the conflict, I continued my toilette rather noisily, looking at my watch, and soliloquized on the length of the night




Recently, my favorite look would be a pink eyeshadow and a red lip by Katie Jane Hughes.


crayon/kreiən/ n. 蜡笔,有色粉笔vt. 以蜡笔作画,用颜色粉笔画


The mother sponged crayon marks off.


blusher /blʌʃə/ n. 胭脂霜或粉(盒)


Make-up favourites like eye shadow, blusher, fake tan and foundation can contain carcinogens.


metrosexual 都会美型男;都市美型男

注:都会美型男(Metrosexual),亦称都市美型男,按照英国记者马克辛普森(Mark Simpson,以下称作辛普森)所说是指:那些拥有强烈的美感触觉并且会花大量的时间及金钱在他的外表及生活方式上任意性倾向的都市男性。21世纪初,这个词也被广泛的应用在报纸杂志等媒体上,泛指注重外表的都市男性。

semaphore/seməfɔː/ n. 臂板信号系统;(铁道)臂板信号装置vt.vi. 发出信号,打旗语


Josh stands facing the rear and semaphoring the drivers intentions to frustrated queues of following cars.


selfie/ˈselfi/ n. 自拍照


He posed taking a selfie with Michelle Obama.


undocumented /ʌndɒkjʊmentɪd/ adj. 无正式文件的,无事实证明的


They were suspected of being undocumented workers.


slathered/slə/ n. 大量vt. 厚厚地涂;大量使用


If your skin is dry, you have to slather on moisturizer to soften it.




Santa at a Bass Pro Shop outdoor-goods store in Denver, he blanched when a blond girl in a red plaid dress recently asked for a pair of eyeglasses so she could see the classroom board.

他是丹佛市的Bass Pro Shop室外用品店的圣诞老人,最近,一位穿着红色格子呢外衣的金发小姑娘向他要一幅眼镜,好让她能看清教室里的黑板,这个要求着实让他吃了一惊。

skewer/skjuːə/n. 烤肉叉子;串肉扦;针vt. 刺穿;串住


So should companies, which can be skewered over an expanding gamut of gripes.


macho/mtʃəʊ/ adj. 大男子气概的


Bourdain managed to be masculine without being swaggeringly macho.


stereotype/sterɪə(ʊ)taɪp/ n. 老套, 模式化的见解, 有老一套固定想法的人vt. 把模式化, 使成陈规


sex stereotype 性别刻板印象

stereotyped image 刻板印象


I hate to buy into stereotypes.


transgressive /trnsɡrɛsɪv/易犯罪的,有犯罪倾向的;易违犯的


Todays referees lack such deterrentsand professional sportsmen can transgress in a way that their classical predecessors could scarcely have imagined.


resale/riːseɪl/ n. 转售;零售;再贩卖


Although the clothes resale business is still small, it is quickly growing.


cater to 迎合;为服务


Puers farmers are catering to the demand.


demographic /ˌdeməˈgrfɪk/ adj. 人口统计学的


The demographics of the Southwest indicate a growing population of older consumers.


overwhelm /əʊvəwelm/ vt. 覆盖, 淹没;压倒, 制服; 打败;使某人不知所措


The boat was overwhelmed by the waves.


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