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2024-07-11 12:19:08 来源:中国教育在线

雅思大作文 城市中的高楼与矮楼 写作思路及范文分析,很多同学对于这个问题有疑问和不解,那么下面就跟着中国教育在线的小编详细了解一下吧。

雅思大作文 城市中的高楼与矮楼 写作思路及范文分析

Some people think vertical city is the best, where people live and work in tall buildings. Others think horizontal city is better, where there are few tall buildings. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.









Best 论述第一方合理性时不要只关注于优点而是为什么这种方式是最优选择。



I would discuss the both thoughts that myopically separate the urban constructing modes totally from one another; cities work more effectively when combining the vertical buildings and the horizontal ones together.

Many may consider vertical city as the prior choice for planners to set up their city mode, but flaws may be witnessed when without the coordination of horizontal ones. The reason why they lean their views on this may be the thinking of the current situation or the future development of most regular cities. Once wanting to become, or should I say harboring the potential of becoming a metropolis, those urban places should have the capacities facing the problems emerged alongside the booming: a flowing and expanding population, an increasing prosperous industrial scale, the proliferating use of transport and a perfect balance between the modernization and the identity belonging to the city per se. Therefore, urges may be manifest for owning a multi-functional construction property to fulfill the need for convenience and for integrating more people in a limited place; high-rise buildings or the skyscrapers has to be the option under this circumstance. Whereas there are also demands for maintaining something unique for those cities; it is always necessary to preserve the cultural identities, most of which are reflected in the constructions inherited from history, and are largely horizontal buildings. That means, a city combined with both skyscrapers and low-layered ones may not only imply to build the both, but to mainly focus on building vertical ones together with the conservation of ancient, classic horizontal structuresthat is, to never forget to maintain the own characteristic of the metropolis, for its life power in the long-term paths, because the identity is the only thing distinguishing a city from others, and avoiding it from being sunk in the overwhelming urbanization.

Recklessness, however, would also be manifest when others superficially claim that living in an urban area with few high-rise buildings would be with more outweighing benefits. They certainly narrow their mind just on the individual living experience but not from a rational, macro perspective. Clearly, living in a region with few tall buildings is more comfortable and secured than the life in only tall structures: after all, people gain more privacy when there are not too many people sharing a wall; they are less interrupted by neighborhood when dwellers are not too integrated inside a limited living space; a smaller residential group is also more easily arranged and coordinated; even the visual field outside the window would be more balanced than the high-rise buildings, which would themselves block views from different areas, and in which visions in different layers totally vary. Whereas all the aforementioned edges of living in a horizontal city would be firstly realized by the capacity of a city in accommodating its dwellers without too many barriers; housing problems would otherwise overwhelm the living conditions inside the city, and it then becomes less efficient since one can hardly find enough horizontal spaces to fulfill the need for housing. A combination with vertical construction would be obliged for city planners to balance the living comfortability by the horizontal buildings and the capability and functions provided by the high-rising onesmultiple instances and data points have also proved the mix is most frequently adapted by metropolis worldwide.

In conclusion, I would very much agree that any isolated constructing mode is not suitable enough for most current urbanization; effectiveness is manifest for combining the both constructing modes.


Myopically 天真地

Flaw 瑕疵

Lean 倾斜

Metropolis 大都市

Inherit 继承

Skyscraper 摩天大楼

Recklessness 鲁莽

Superficially 表面地

Dweller 居住者

Coordinate 协调

Aforementioned 上述的

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