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2024-07-12 09:08:07 来源:中国教育在线




The Worlds Livestream Queen Can Sell Anything直播女王薇娅什么都能卖出去A millionaire at 34 and bigger than Sunday Night Football, Chinas star saleswoman Viya rules a $60 billion world of live online shopping.34岁的百万富翁薇娅统治着一个价值600亿美元的在线购物王国

1. Huang Wei can sell anything. For instance: In April, Huangknown professionally as Viyasold a rocket launch for around 40 million yuan ($5.6 million). The live, online shopping extravaganza the 34-year-old hosts most nights for her fans across China is part variety show, part infomercial, part group chat. Last month, she hit a record-high audience of more than 37 millionmore than the Game of Thrones finale, the Oscars or Sunday Night Football.


2. Each night, Viyas audience places orders worth millions of dollarstypically for cosmetics, appliances, prepared foods or clothing, but shes also moved houses and cars. On Singles Day, Chinas biggest shopping event of the year, she did more than 3 billion yuan in sales. The spread of coronavirus, which put most Chinese people under stay-at-home orders, doubled her viewership.


3. In a world where we all shop almost exclusively from our couches, Viya is one vision of our collective future. Livestream shopping is a natural confluence of several current tech trendsstreaming, influencers, social, commerceand offers companies a new path to consumers hearts and wallets. Tesla, ProcterGamble and supermodel-turned-beauty-entrepreneur Miranda Kerr, among others, have turned to Viya to introduce them to the Chinese market. The queen of Chinas $60 billion ecosystem of live online shopping, Viya earned an estimated 30 million yuan in 2018, according to the most recent figures from Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba.

在一个人们大多只在沙发上购物的世界里,薇娅让我们看到了我们未来的生活是什么样子。直播购物融合了流媒体,网络红人,社交和商业几大技术趋势,为企业提供了一条通向消费者钱包和情感的道路。特斯拉(Tesla)、宝洁(ProcterGamble)和由超级名模转型为美容企业家的米兰达可儿(Miranda Kerr)等公司都找到薇娅,想通过她进入中国市场。据中国电子商务巨头阿里巴巴的最新数据显示,中国在线购物市场价值600亿美元,薇娅2018年收入估计是3000万美元。

4. None of this bodes well for brick-and-mortar retail, already hobbled by online alternatives. The coronavirus pandemicand the ensuing economic downturnhave dropped sales and foot traffic off a cliff. Offline, non-grocery retail is expected to drop 20% this year, according to Forrester Research. J.C. Penney, J. Crew and Pier One Imports have already filed for bankruptcy protection. And with no vaccine in sight, does trying on clothes or testing lipstick at a cosmetics counter still have any of its pre-pandemic appeal?

实体零售业深受在线购物的打击,对于他们来说,薇娅的高收入并不是什么好兆头。新冠疫情以及随之而来的经济衰退使销售量和客流量急剧下降。根据弗雷斯特研究公司的数据,线下非食品店的零售额今年预计将下降20%。J.C. Penney、J. Crew和Pier One Imports已经申请破产保护。疫苗什么时候研制成功还未可知,在这样的情况下,在店里试穿衣服或测评口红还能像新冠疫情之前那么吸引人吗?

5. I position myself as someone who helps the customer make a decisionI need to think about their needs, said Viya, late one May night. She wore casual black pants and a white T-shirt with a Yankees baseball cap and long silver earrings, all items which had been for sale during that nights show. She dresses casually on purpose, she says, to create intimacy with viewers who are most likely home winding down.


6. Specifically, my ambition is to offer everything my fans might need, she said. Doorbells, carpets, toothbrushes, furniture, mattresses, everything.


7. E-commerce livestreaming, as its lovingly called by analysts, will already feel familiar to many in America and elsewhere; the latest stage in an evolution from infomercial pioneer Ron Popeil But wait, theres more, the Home Shopping Network, Oprahs Book Club, and Kim Kardashian. Amazons been experimenting with the concept for more than a year, most recently teaming up with Project Runway stars Heidi Klum and Tim Gunn for a spin-off and retail tie-in that will make the shows winning designs immediately available to buy. Facebook has been trying to get users to shop on its platform for years; in May, it announced a partnership with Shopify to help integrate buying there and on Instagram.


8. Influencers, livestreaming, smart phones, socialthose things are universal, said Benedict Evans, an independent analyst whos covered technology from Silicon Valley and London for 20 years. Its hard to predict in advance, but I struggle to say that influencers selling stuff online wouldnt work outside of China.


9. Nowhere is the potential of livestreaming more apparent than China, where the boom suggests livestream shopping can become a deeply embedded habit for consumers and an important tool for retailers. Western technology isnt quite there yet, with its bramble of offline stores, online markets, social media recommendations, payment processors and third-party portals. Alibabas technology, on the other hand, allows the audience to watch a live stream, chat with other viewers, and select and pay for a productall at the same time. Theres no friction between entertainment and buying, which is the whole point.


10. I cant miss Viyas shows, said Linda Qu, a 30-year-old tech worker in Hangzhou. After she puts her four-year-old son to bed, Qu lets Viyas livestream run on her smartphone while shes doing yoga or watching TV on the couch. Nearly every show, she clicks to buy. The FOMO keeps her coming back: What if theres something nice and I didnt get it? What a loss.

Linda Qu现年30岁,在杭州的科技行业工作,她说 我不能错过薇娅的直播。在把四岁的儿子哄睡之后,她会一边在沙发上做瑜伽或者看电视,一边智能手机上看薇娅的直播。几乎每一场直播她都会买东西,措施恐惧症让她不断重复:如果有什么好东西我没买到怎么办?损失了一个亿啊!

11. Thats the clincher for companies desperate to impress Chinas growing middle class, customers who have learned the hard way to be suspicious of counterfeits and knock-offs. China powered one-third of global consumption growth from 2010 to 2017, according to a report from McKinsey Global Institute, and that role is set to continue as the economy paces the pandemic recovery. And over the next 10 years, the growth in Chinese consumption is expected to equal that of the U.S. and Western Europe combined.


12. Customers used to move slowly down the path from awareness to interest to purchase toideallyloyalty, said Helen Lu, spokesperson for the Greater China division of ProcterGamble. Working with the top livestreamers like Viya, the process gets much shorter, she said.

宝洁大中华区发言人Helen Lu说,过去,消费者从意识到兴趣,从购买到忠诚的过程往往很很漫长,她说:和薇娅这样的顶级主播合作,这个过程会缩短很多。

13. Theres no friction between entertainment and buying, which is the whole point. Most nights, Viya streams from a small studio in her headquarters, a 10-story warehouse in the Chinese tech hub of Hangzhou. The show is only a sliver of a 500-person enterprise called Qianxun Group; it includes talent management for dozens of livestreamers, volume retail and supply chain management. Future plans include consulting and ad agency-type work for brands that want access to their audience, plus multimedia. The company plans to raise money from investors this month, take on a strategic partner by the end of the year and, by 2025 at the latest, list shares.


14. This year is the turning point for this industryI said so even before the coronavirus pandemic, said Qianxuns Chief Executive Officer Alves Huang, better known as Aoli. Hes Viyas stepbrother; her husband is the company chairman. But the pandemic has pushed many offline retailers online, and with many well-known people getting into the game, theres huge attention from everywhere.

谦寻CEO奥利说,今年是直播行业的转折之年这一点早在新冠疫情之前我就已经说过了。新冠疫情迫使很多零售转向线上。越来越多的明星加入到这个行业中,引起了广泛关注。 奥利是薇娅的继兄,而薇娅的丈夫是公司董事长。

15. His office is on the fourth floor, next to the meeting room where Viya and her team sift through products. The studios are on the fifth floor, but the latest innovationwhat can only be described as a private department storeis on the second and third floors. The footprint is more than 10,000 square meters, or about 1.5 soccer fields.


16. Food and home goods are in one massive section, followed by clothes and accessories, separated by category: sunglasses, fashion bags, pearl accessories, sneakers, pajamas, jeans, lingerie, and so on. Theres a showcase for Korean products and another for Australia and New Zealand, with more to come. With bright, soft lights everywhere, streamers can go live from the aisles if they want to.


17. Viya has enough star power to summon whatever she wants from companies eager to be featured on her show. The showroom serves a whole community of livestreamers, including the 40 or so under the companys managementwithin three years, theyll have 100, CEO Huang says. They all need a steady influx of products to feature, in part to prove they can drive sales. Brands pay for prominent placement on the Qianxun shelves, just like they do in offline stores.


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