2024-07-12 11:09:16 来源:中国教育在线
雅思托福考试是全球最广泛使用的英语语言考试之一,被许多国家的大学、移民机构、企业和政府部门用作衡量语言能力的标准。考生需要在听、说、读、写四个方面进行测试,其中有不少同学想要了解:雅思口语【喜欢的一家子】第二步可以从Where they live描述!,那么下面中国教育在线小编就来和大家分享一番。
Where they live
至于他们住在那里,为了能够有更多的拓展细节,我们可以从主次或 时间线的方向进行思考。有些人可能会居住在不同的地方,一个是常驻的,一个是偶尔小住的;有些人的居住点也会发生位移,可能之前住在某一个地方,但现在又搬到了另一个地方。
那么这个居住单位的选择,它既可以是一个Accommodation, 也可以是CityCountry。
如果你选择的居住单位是Accommodation,你紧接着就可以拓展和住宅相对应的角度,比如:location/ price/ size/ color/ decoration等角度。
Example :
They used to live in a small apartment which was really cramped 拥挤的 andcluttered 杂乱的. There was no room to swing a cat 空间狭小. But they worked really hard and earned enough money to move out. Now they live in a big house with a big swimming pool.
Example :
They used to live in the city center. However, because their family was not perceived as 不被认为是 a conventional family they were constantly judged and discriminated 歧视 against. So they decided to rent a house in the countryside. Even though the transport isnt really convenient, they are enjoying a simple life without peoplesticking their noses in their business 多管闲事.
如果你选择的居住单位是City,你紧接着就可以拓展和城市相对应的角度,比如:location/ climate/ weather/ food/ history/ pace of life/ living costs等。
Example :
Most of the time, they live in Shanghai, as their business is based there. But every year, they fly to different cities to have a holiday for 2 to 3 months. Last year, they stayed in Hainan for half a year.
They loved the atmosphere and tasty food so much, they have decided to buy a house there which they can move to when they retire.
Example two:
In the past, they lived in Beijing. However, they couldnt stand the hustle and bustle, so they moved to my city and settled down. Last year, they build a small house by themselves. Even though there arent any up-to-date mod cons, they enjoy their simple life very much.
Example :
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