2024-07-13 12:03:52 来源:中国教育在线
中国教育在线小编为大家收集整理了【Part3话题】雅思口语:改变的重要决定 范例分享!,那么接下来就跟着小编一起来看看,相信你通过以下的文章内容就会有更深入的了解。
Do children like changing opinions or not?
I think so. For young children, changes are quite common in opinion development. Their immature minds are easily influenced by other factors such as their parents preference, environment or even weather. Furthermore, I do believe that liking or not liking something can even go on throughout life.
When do children change their opinion?
Its really hard to say. I think childrens opinions change very often. Their likes or dislikes are just driven by their curiosity. When they are curious about what their parents are eating, then their food preferences might change. Moreover, when they see what their peers are doing, they tend to imitate.
Why did you change your mind?
For most cases, I changed my mind just because I was able to see an issue from two sides like the one I used to believe and the fresh idea I have come to adopt now. But sometimes I changed my mind on impulse. For example, I once made detailed plans about what Im going to do at weekend but ended up sleeping at home.
When people should not give advices?
If others dont ask, they probably dont want to hear the advice from us. There are a lot of times when people just want to vent and want someone to listen. Actually they have already known what to do. Then people should not give advices on that occasion.
What should they do if they are given some advice they dont like?
The simplest thing to do is ignorance. When someone is given the advice that he or she doesnt favour, one should know that the person who offers certain advice is just kind. Then after thinking over it in an objective way, he or she can ignore these unfavourable advices and insist on ones own thinking.
Do people like giving advice on politics?
It really depends on the age. For todays young generation, they are willing to give advices on politics and they are convinced that having their voice heard can feel really empowering. To be specific, many youngsters take advantage of the social media to expose and post certain social events online to affect the public opinion. While for some older
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