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2024-07-13 12:52:26 来源:中国教育在线

如果大家想进入国外大学,那么基本上都需要准备语言成绩,下面是由小编为大家整理的“雅思大作文 人们越来越爱喝糖类饮料 写作思路及范文赏析”,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读本文。

雅思大作文 人们越来越爱喝糖类饮料 写作思路及范文赏析


People are consuming more and more sugar-based drinks. What are the reasons and the solutions for this situation?





1.在导致这种趋势的所有原因中,我将讨论人类对糖的物理偏好,以及饮料行业的商业本能。毫无疑问,像甜点或甜饮料这样的食物能唤起大多数人的幸福和食欲。幸福主要来自大脑的多巴胺刺激,刺激功能到兴奋。这种类型的刺激主要是由碳水化合物供给能量。此外,通过混合多种口味和口感,饮料将被加工成上瘾,美味的食物,吸引人们购买。同时饮料公司通过流行的广告,推销他们的产品 - 毕竟,成分很容易获得,利润也明显乐观。这两个因素有助于这些饮料在人们中越来越受欢迎。




We are so used to order such a combo in fast-food restaurant: a pizza or a burger, sometimes with a piece of fried chicken, together with a bottle of coke or juice. It seems that the sugar-based drinks are earning their extreme popularity among todays people.

Among all the reason leading to this trend, I would discuss the humans physical preference to sugar, and the commercial instinct of the beverage industry. There is no doubt that food like dessert or sweet beverage arouse most peoples happiness and their appetite. The happiness mainly sources from the stimulation of dopamine from the brains, a stimulus linked to the excitement. This type of stimulus is powered mainly by the carbohydrate, which is also the essence of the most sugar, crops and grains. Besides, by mixing multiple flavors, sometimes other stimuli like caffeine and other substances that can enhance the tastes (pops or the pulp, etc.), the beverage would then be processed into an addictive, tasty food, attracting people to purchase them. Whereas that is not the whole story, until the drink companies promote their products by the prevailing commercial, by which the sodas and juices, or other drinks with sugary contents are widely sold, since the production is extremely low-costafter all, the ingredients are easy to getand the profits are notably optimistic. The two factors, ergo, contribute to the increasing popularity of those beverages among people.

However, the fact that overdosing on the sugar-based drinks would be extremely harmful, and solutions should be adapted to decrease peoples excessive intake. A reasonable amount of propaganda, together with a series of substitutes of sugar or glucose in the beverages are recommended for easing their drinking dependence. Citizens should be well-known about the potential hazards of over-intaking carbohydrates through mass media: they should know what happens to their teeth after drinking too much and the possible disorders like diabetes or obesity when there is no caloric restriction, and decide whether they should avoid or lessen the amount of this type of drinks based on their own situations. While it is still impractical to eradicate the addiction of those beverages from people, we can still find ways to ease the negative impact of them: there are artificial sweeteners helpful to provide the same flavors but without containing so much carbohydrate. Ingredients like xylitol have already be widely used in sodas, yogurts or even other snacks to almost replace the taste stimulation from glucose.

In conclusion, both the internal and external causes should be considered when seeing past the truth of the over intake of the sugar-based beverage, and proper propaganda together with the use of replacement should be adapted to release the situation.


Combo 套餐

Beverage 饮料

Appetite 食欲

Stimulus 刺激品

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