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2024-07-14 10:56:46 来源:中国教育在线




Describe a time when you encouraged someone to do something that he/she didnt want to do You should say:

Who he or she is

What you encouraged him/her to do How he/she reacted

And explain why you encouraged him/her to do it

About three months ago, I encouraged one of my roommates to go out for running with me every night. She used to hate sports very much and she thought it was really hard for her to do some exercise.

However, the results of recent hospital physical examination showed that her body fat rate was too high, which might be harmful to her health if certain measures were not taken, so I encouraged her to start losing weight and go out with me for exercise every night. She was unhappy after hearing this suggestion, unfortunately it was the healthiest and safe way to lose weight so that she accepted it ultimately. Usually, we jog for half an hour and then do stretching. At the beginning, she still felt very hard and depressed, because running was not the fastest way of exercise to lose weight, I encouraged her to continue to insist for a period of time. After half a month, her weight has successfully dropped a lot. When running, she told me that she felt more relaxed, and she began to enjoy the pleasure which was brought by sports.

For myself, I have always been in the habit of running for more than two years. Every time when the weather is right, I will run outdoors. I think this is a very healthy lifestyle. I am also very happy to help my friends enjoy this sport. When my roommate successfully reduces the body fat rate to the standard range, she is really happy and also thank me for encouraging her to change herself bravely.


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