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2024-08-03 09:58:34 来源:中国教育在线




Main tip for 3 parts 3 部分的最重要考虑因素

Here are some factors that might affect your speaking score:


fluency, not hesitating too much 流畅度,不要过多迟疑

linking 衔接

answer structure / organisation 回答结构/组织

ideas 思想

vocabulary 词汇

grammar 语法

pronunciation 发音

But which of these factors are most important? here's my main tip for each of the 3 parts in the speaking test:


Main tip for 3 parts (3 部分的最重要考虑因素)

Focus on fluency. You don't need to show off with great vocabulary or grammar in this part. Just try to answer quickly, without hesitating. A short, simple answer is fine.



Focus on ideas / vocabulary. This is your best chance to impress the examiner with some nice language, especially if you've prepared for common topics in the way I suggest in my video lessons.



Focus on your answer structure. Use the 3 or 4 steps that I explained in last week's video. This will force you to give longer answers without repeating yourself. You don't really have time to think about good vocabulary or grammar; just worry about answering the question by following the steps.



Notice that I don't recommend worrying about grammar or linking at any point in the speaking test. Finally, if you forget every other exam tip, just remember one thing: answer the question!


Review of tips 复习建议

Here's a quick review of my main tips for each part of the speaking test:


Review of tips复习建议

Keep it simple; there's no need to show off in this part. Give a short, direct answer and a reason for your answer. Then stop. If necessary, smile at the examiner to show that you are ready for the next question; if you keep speaking, the examiner will interrupt you. Answer using full sentences, and try not to hesitate.



Before the exam, prepare ideas for the six main topics. Focus on vocabulary, not grammar or linking. In the exam, try to note down as many ideas as you can during the 1-minute preparation time - hopefully you'll be able to use ideas that you have already prepared. You don't have to cover all of the points on the task card, but it helps you to structure your answer if you do. Say as much as you can for each point, and use a real example or story at the end of your description if you need to fill time. Keep going until the examiner stops you.



Practise 3-step answers:


1) answer the question 回答问题

2) explain your answer 解释答案

3) give an example. 举一个例子


Part 1

Q:Are your friends mostly your age or different ages?

A:Most of my friends are about the same age as me because we met at school or university. I've got one or two friends who are older or younger that I met through work.


Part 2

Describe a person whose job is important to the society.

You should say:

who this person is

what job he or she has

how you know this person

and explain why his/her job is important to the society.

Let me tell you about my friend whose job, in my opinion, is critically important and indispensable in every part of the society. He is an IT engineer. He has been working in this industry for over ten years to accumulate the necessary working ability and experience. We got to know each other because we are neighbors, so we can meet frequently.

I think his job is really important because nowadays, the whole country, including the various business and non-profit organisations, are running on the IT systems. So he should shoulder the responsibility to develop and maintain the system operating smoothly and can, of course, work under great pressure.

Moreover, as far as I know, IT engineers need to design, develop the core systems of many other industries such as banking, insurance, telecommunication, manufacturing and so on, which heavily rely on their information systems to operate their own business. Therefore, I guess their systems are the driving force behind their business and so are essentially important to them.

Great vocabulary: critically indispensable accumulate non-profit smoothly telecommunication manufacturing essentially

Ideas:1. I think his job is really important because nowadays, the whole country, including the various business and non-profit organisations, are running on the IT systems.

2.Moreover, as far as I know, IT engineers need to design, develop the core systems of many other industries such as banking, insurance, telecommunication, manufacturing and so on, which heavily rely on their information systems to operate their own business.

Part 3

Q:Do you think most people watch TV for education or for entertainment?

A:I think people watch TV primarily for entertainment. There are far more entertainment programmes than educational ones, and in my experience most people treat television as a form of relaxation in the evening. If I think about the most popular TV programmes in the UK, such as talent shows like 'X Factor' or soap operas like 'Eastenders', the focus is definitely on entertainment rather than education.

answer the question:I think people watch TV primarily for entertainment.

explain the question:There are far more entertainment programmes than educational ones, and in my experience most people treat television as a form of relaxation in the evening.

give an example:If I think about the most popular TV programmes in the UK, such as talent shows like 'X Factor' or soap operas like 'Eastenders', the focus is definitely on entertainment rather than education.



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