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2024-08-07 14:43:37 来源:中国教育在线



1. check /tʃek/ in v. 登记,报到

2. reserve /ri'zə:v/ v. 预订

3. reservation/,rezə'veiʃən/ n. 预订 make a reservation v. 预订

4. in the name /neim/ of 以的名义

5. find /faind/ my way /wei/ 认路

6. lost/ lɔst / adj. 迷失的,迷路的

例句:Im completely lost.

7. pedestrian/ pi'destriən / n. 行人 adj. 为行人而设的

8. customer/ 'kʌstəmə / service/ 'sə:vis / n. 客户服务

9. guarantee/ ,grən'ti:/ n. 保修,保修期 例句:Its still under guarantee.

10. technician/ tek'niʃən / n. 技工

11. park/ pɑ:k/ v. 停车 n. 停车场

12. parking/'pɑ:kiŋ/ ticket /'tikit / n. 停车罚款单

13. fine/ fain / n./ v.罚款

14. staff / stɑ:f / n. 全体职工,全体员工

15. payment/ 'peimənt / n.付款,付款方式

16. penguin/ 'peŋgwin / n. 企鹅

17. seal/ si:l / n. 海豹

18. telescope/ 'teliskəup / n. 望远镜

19. license/ 'laisns / n. 执照,证件

20. length/ leŋ/ n. 长度 length of booking 预订时间

21. insurance/ in'ʃuərəns/ n. 保险

22. insure/ in'ʃuə / v. 给上保险

23. area/ 'ɛəriə / code/ kəud / 区号

24. international/,intə'nʃənəl/ adj. 国际的

25. luggage/ 'lʌgidʒ/ n. 行李

26. vehicle/ 'vi:ikl / n. 交通工具,车辆

27. collect/ 'kɔlekt / v. 取、拿

28. branch/ brɑ:ntʃ / n. 树木的分枝,分店

29. available/ə'veiləbl / adj. 有用的,可得到的

30. equipment/ i'kwipmənt / n. 装备


observe ----- watch 观察

return home----- make ones way at the end of the day 回家

watch seals---- do some seal-watching 观察海豹

require --- need 需要

play piano well--- an excellent piano player 擅长弹钢琴

be famous for --- be well known for 因而出名

have children born in the 1930s--- give birth to children in 1930s 三十年代生了两个小孩

口语词汇 List 1

1. able /'eibl/ adj. 能,经管,有能力的

例句:He is an able and clever person.

2. talented/'tləntid/ adj. 有才能的

例句:The phrase talented employee permeated the language of business.

3. lacking /'lkiŋ/ adj. 缺乏的,没有的 v. 缺少,不足(lack的ing形式)

例句:I am afraid you are lacking of ability for this job.

4. brainy /'breini/ adj. 聪明的,博学的

例句:Why then did dolphins evolve to become so brainy?

5. bright /brait/ adj. 明亮的,聪明的,愉快的

例句:He would seek out some bright mechanic in the camp.

6. clever /'klevə/ adj. 聪明的,机灵的,熟练的 ,

例句:I know you are clever but you need to work hard.

7. intelligent /in'telidʒent/ adj. 智能的,聪明的

例句:This professor is intelligent.

例句:The intelligent boy can understand the classical physics clearly.

8. smart/ smɑ:t / adj. 聪明的,敏捷的

例句:What a smart kid you are!

9. gifted /'ɡiftid/ v. 给予(gift的过去分词)adj. 有天赋的,有才华的

例句:You are gifted by God!

例句:Mr Slim is a gifted businessman who has built up a telecommunications empire across Latin America.

10. shrewd /ʃru:d/ adj. 精明的,狡猾的

例句:He was too shrewd to believe that it must exist.

11. half-witted /'hɑ:fwitid/ adj. 愚笨至极的,智力有缺陷的

例句:He is half witted, what a shame.

12. brainless /'breinlis/ adj.愚蠢的

例句:He is such a brainless person.

例句:For instance, it appears the ancestor of brainless starfish and sea urchins had a brain.

13. daft /dɑ:ft, dft/adj.愚笨的,癫狂的,

例句:You look daft in that jacket.

14. foolish /'fu:liʃ/ adj. 愚蠢的

例句:Dont be foolish.

例句:I am not denying that women are foolish; god almighty made them to match the men.

15. silly/'sili/ adj. 愚蠢的 n. 傻瓜

例句:Will you two stop having such a silly disagreement?

16. stupid /'stju:pid/ adj. 愚蠢的,麻木的,乏味的 n. 傻瓜

例句:Anything too stupid to be said is sung.

17. simple /'simpl/ adj. 简单的,单纯的

例句:What a simple idea!

18. sociable /'səuʃəbl/ adj. 社交的,好交际的 n. 联谊会

例句:Her sociable manner is really a mask for a very shy nature.

19. gregarious/ɡri'ɡəriəs/ adj. 社交的,爱交际的,合群的

例句:Man is a gregarious animal, and apparently the mischievous microbes he exhales fight and neutralise each other.

20. reclusive /ri'klu:siv/ adj. 隐居的,隐遁的,

例句:Yet North Korea's reclusive generalissimo, Kim Jong Il, appears not just to revel in his country's isolation, he has been doing all he can to deepen it.

21. quarrelsome/'kwɔrəlsəm/ adj. 好争论的 ,怒气冲冲的

例句:It is quarrelsome at home and abroad.

22. argumentative /,ɑ:ɡju'mentətiv/ adj. 好辩的,辩论的,论证性的

例句:The more argumentative ones sit in a clearing and debate the nature of justice.

23. cruel /'kru:əl/ adj. 残酷的,残忍的,使人痛苦的

例句:Without love a person could go hayward and also become cruel and ferocious.

24. sadistic /s'distik/ adj. 虐待狂的,残酷成性的

例句:Making matters worse is a sadistic schedule that has the Rockets playing 10 of 14 games on the road.

25. caring /'kəriŋ/ adj. 有同情心的,关心的 v. 关心,照顾(care的现在分词)

例句:In citizens like these, we see the best of our country - resilient and hopeful, caring and strong.

26. thoughtful/'ɔ:tful/ adj. 关切的,体贴的,深思的,

例句:Hence it was a treat to her to find herself again the object of thoughtful care.

27. easy-going /,i:zi:'gəuiŋ/ adj. 随和的,容易相处的

例句:I am easy-going, so I can get along very well with others.

28. trustworthy /'trʌst,wə:i/ adj. 可靠的,可信赖的

例句:And on the public stage, economists were seen as far more trustworthy than politicians.

29. reliable/ri'laiəbl/ adj. 可靠的,可信赖的n. 可靠的人

例句:Hopefully, it is only a question of time before effective methods can and will be used for reliable predictions.

30. meticulous /mi'tikjuləs/ adj. 一丝不苟的,拘泥小节的

例句:Both were in perfect condition under meticulous care by a large team of experts from China and Taiwan.

31. cautious /'kɔ:ʃəs/ adj. 谨慎的

例句:One is commercial property, where lending surveys suggest that banks are now being especially cautious.

32. jealous /'dʒeləs/ adj. 嫉妒的,猜疑的,唯恐失去的,戒备的

例句:This is no joking matter. Do your job well and don't be jealous. Jealousy can spoil everything.

33. envious /'enviəs/ adj. 羡慕的,嫉妒的

例句:I was very envious that she had her own chicken manure,she recalls.

34. sincere/sin'siə/ adj. 真诚的,真实的

例句:Mr. Guard could see that Dazhi was a sincere young man.

35. loyal /'lɔiəl/ adj. 忠诚的 n. 效忠的臣民,忠实信徒

例句:Historians believe she was the daughter of a family loyal to Britain.

36. optimistic /,ɔpti'mistik/ adj. 乐观的

例句:It is because that I always enjoy my life and I have an optimistic heart.

37. pessimistic /,pesi'mistik/ adj. 悲观的,厌世的

例句:That may be too pessimistic, but all agree that the number will rise further.

38. extroverted /'ekstrəuvə:tid/ adj. 性格外向的,喜社交的

例句:Do you think you are introverted or extroverted?

39. Introverted /,intrəu'və:tid/ adj. 内向的 v. 使...内向(introvert的过去分词形式),使内翻

例句:I was a quiet and introverted boy when I was young.

40. relaxed /ri'lkst/ v. relax的过去式和过去分词 adj. 松懈的,放松的

例句:But, second, China is becoming more relaxed about spooking foreign investors.

41. tense /tens/ adj. 紧张的,拉紧的

例句:The game was so tense last night.

例句:After tense haggling a deal seemed to have been struck over the summer.

42. sensible /'sensəbl/ adj. 明智的,明显的,意识到的

例句:Every word in every book was correctly spelled, so every page in every book had a more sensible pattern.

43. down-to-earth/'daun-tu-'ə:/ adj. 实际的,现实的

例句:A discussion about how mobile phones can tackle African poverty was more down-to-earth.

44. determined/di'tə:mind/ v. 决定,断定(determine的过去分词)adj. 决定了的

例句:Or, more likely, genome size is determined by the structure of the genetic system itself.

45. obstinate/'ɔbstinit, -nət/ adj. 顽固的,难以控制的

例句:The reservoir in the reserved preserve is an obstacle to the obstinate observer.

46. stubborn /'stʌbən/ adj. 顽固的,顽强的,难处理的

例句:English people are stubborn.

47. thrifty /'rifti/ adj. 节约的,茂盛的,成功的

例句:The new jeans line aims to hit a low-middle price point, and appeal to a thrifty emerging consumer.

48. economical /,i:kə'nɔmikəl/ adj. 经济的,节约的,

例句:Engineers are forever seeking more economical methods of solving old problems.

49. tight-fisted/'tait'fistid/ adj. 舍不得花钱的,吝啬的

例句:People often put the blame on China's tight-fisted consumers, who save too much and spend too little.

50. mean /mi:n/ vi. 用意 vt. 意味

例句:You mean like being able to sense things and react to them, like a horse might?

51. miserly /'maizəli/ adj. 吝啬的,贪婪的

例句:Now, my uncle seemed so miserly that I was struck dumb by this sudden generosity.

52. generous/'dʒenərəs/ adj. 慷慨的,大方的,宽宏大量的,

例句:Early in December the foreman came along with generous provisions for Christmas.

53. extravagant/ik'strvəɡənt/ adj. 奢侈的,放纵的

例句:Despite this, he was so extravagant that he was always in debt.

54. confident /'kɔnfidənt/ adj. 自信的,确信的

例句:But we leave here today more confident and more united in the common effort of advancing security and prosperity for all of our people.

55. self-assured /'selfə'ʃuəd/ adj. 有自信的

例句:A good deal of what Mr Green says is mere boasting, but his self - assured manner enables him to carry it off.

56. assertive/ə'sə:tiv/ adj. 肯定的,独断的,

例句:Chinese diplomats have become more assertive since the West fell prey to financial crisis.

57. arrogant/'rəɡənt/ adj. 自大的,傲慢的

例句:If such a clever person becomes arrogant or sarcastic, however, their words can hurt you.

58. self-important /'selfim'pɔ:tənt/ adj. 妄自尊大的,高傲的

例句:He was sometimes loud and self-important and claimed to be able to do anything.

59. bossy /'bɔsi/ adj. 专横的,爱指挥他人的

例句:Mr. Scott is a manager of a small stationery shop. He is very bossy.

60. aggressive /ə'ɡresiv/ adj. 侵略性的,好斗的,有进取心的

例句:More aggressive animals, such as tigers and bears, use teeth and nails to attack other creatures or defend their territory.

61. original/ə'ridʒənəl/ adj. 原始的,独创的,新颖的 n. 原件

例句:I have the bicycle now but my sister was the original owner.

62. peculiar /pi'kju:ljə/ adj. 特殊的,奇怪的,罕见的 n. 特权,特有财产

例句:Pesticides have some features peculiar to themselves.

63. weird /wiəd/ adj. 怪异的,不可思议的,超自然的

例句:By some kind of weird combination of learning and evolution that our heads do, I found my book.

64. eccentric /ik'sentrik/ adj. 古怪的,反常的 n. 古怪的人

例句:She cannot just be written off as an eccentric recluse.

65. odd /ɔd/ adj. 古怪的,奇数的,剩余的,n. 奇数

例句:I remember thinking: That's too many,which is an odd thought for someone who believes in labor markets.

66. frank /frŋk/ adj. 坦白的,直率的 vt. 免费邮寄 n. 免费邮寄特权

例句:To be frank with you, we can't accept it.

67. open/'əupən/ vt. 打开,公开adj. 公开的,空旷的,坦率的

例句:You need to open your mind.

68. supportive /sə`pɔːtiv/ adj. 能给予帮助和支持的

例句:She has been very supportive during my illness.

69. sympathetic /simpə`etik/ adj. 同情的

例句: My boss is very sympathetic about my situation.

70. talkative /`tɔːkətiv/ adj. 爱说话的,唧唧喳喳的

例句:Are we talking the same person? She is talkative in office. I think she might be shy when facing to you.


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